Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Lord's Bread and Cup or "Communion"

In the Thesaurus dictionary, the word “communion” means “unity”. Before Jesus Christ left this earth, He commanded His disciples to always remember His death. He gave specific instructions on what to do. The Lord’s Bread symbolizes His Body. He willingly gave His Body to be beaten beyond recognition because of our sins. We could not pay the price to be reconciled to the Father. Jesus lovingly paid the price for us. The Lord’s Cup symbolizes His Blood being spilled for us. Because of the sins of our forefathers, our body and blood is contaminated. Father God is holy. Due to our sins, we could not be in His presence. Jesus reconciled us back to the Father by taking our chastisement upon Him (Isaiah 53:2-11).

The Lord’s Bread or Cup, in other words, His Communion, does not only reflect His death. When we participate in the Lord’s Communion, we are agreeing that the “Word” was made flesh and dwelt among men, died on the cross for our sins, buried in a tomb, after three days and nights in the grave, was resurrected from the dead, ascended back to the Father and will return again.

1 Corinthians 11:24-26 (KJV)

And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death
till he come.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must always remember what our Lord and Savior did for us. Because of His victory over the enemy (Satan), we are victorious through His Blood. We are instructed as often as we come together to remember the birth, death, resurrection and return of Jesus Christ by participating in the Lord’s Communion. The occasion is very holy and should not be taken dishonorable. If you are living a habitual lifestyle that is contrary to the word of God or you do not believe in the birth, death, resurrection and return of Jesus Christ, then it is best that you do not participate in the Lord’s Communion (1 Corinthians 11:27-30).

The Lord’s Communion also reflects His return. Jesus Christ is returning again to this earth. But this time, He is not coming as a Lamb being slaughtered, but as a conquering King and Lord. He is coming to establish His Kingdom and to finally throw Satan and his evil cohorts into hell fire!

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beware of "Child Play" In Your Marriage

You're probably wondering what is child play? I'll give you an example. When I was a little girl and a little boy had a crush on me, he would do little things to show me that he have a crush on me, (e.g., hit me and run). Or if I had a crush on a boy, I would pick a flower and pluck a leaf off one by one while saying "He loves or he loves me not". This is child play. As adults, if we are not careful, we will carry the same play into our marriage.
A few examples are:
  • continuous jokes to the opposite sex
  • buying lunch for the opposite sex when they are able to busy their own lunch
  • talking about sexual relationships to the opposite sex
Many marriages have dissolved due to child play. What happens when you continue to do "child play" with the opposite sex, you are beginning to form an "attraction" in the spirit realm with that person. Infidelity or adultery do not start overnight. It is first started in the spirit and it is started with child play. In the natural realm, child play appears to be harmless. This is where Satan uses his subtlety to allure husbands and wives into his trap. We need to learn and realize that nothing takes place in the natural realm without first taking place in the spiritual realm. Child play leads to lust and lust leads to spiritual adultery; and if not stopped, it will lead to physical adultery.
To avoid child play in a marriage, one must always give glory to God in their conversations. If the conversation is not giving glory to God, then the conversation should be cut short with a yes or no. According to the scriptures, anything other than this will attract evil.
Matthew 5:37
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:
whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

f you have formed a spiritual attraction with the opposite sex who is NOT your spouse, you need to repent. Then you need to let others, especially the one that has an attraction to you, see you hug and caress your spouse. By doing this, it will uproot and break the attraction in the spirit realm.

Revealing the Strongman

In my previous blog, the Lord stated that every stronghold is broken. Jesus Christ has completed this work on the cross. All power was given to Him from His Father. Jesus also delegated that power and authority to us (His children) by the Holy Spirit. Our spiritual weapons are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). When we follow the life of Jesus Christ while He was on earth, He set the perfect example for us to follow. I personally noticed how He always, in adoration to His Heavenly Father, did the following:

  • gave thanks to the Father · praised the Father
  • worshipped the Father
  • and prayed to the Father

Jesus used these weapons of warfare.

When the Lord sent His disciples out to heal the sick and cast out devils, there was a young boy who was possessed by a devil and the father asked Jesus’ disciples to cast it out of his son. They could not do it. The father took the boy to Jesus and He, Jesus, cast the devil out. Jesus’ disciples asked him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” Jesus told them that this kind of demonic spirit can only come out through prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21).

In Matt. 9:15, Mark 2:19 and Luke 5:34, Jesus said as long as the bridegroom is with the children, there is no need for them to mourn or fast. I cannot recall once Jesus’ disciples praying or fasting when He was with them on earth. There was no need because Jesus was with them. It was only after Jesus returned to His Father in heaven that His disciples began to pray and fast.

Based on Jesus’ words, there are certain demonic spirits that will not and cannot leave a house unless the children of God fast and pray. If we based things on Jesus’ lifestyle in the way He prayed and fasted, we can see that Jesus lived a life of prayer and fasting. I also believe that the demonic spirit Jesus was referring to is the “strongman” of the house.

Matthew 12:29
Or else how can one enter into a strong man‘s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

Mark 3:27
No man can enter into a strong man‘s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

Luke 11:21
When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.

Satan is against God’s children prospering in their marriage and finances. For many years I have believed and trusted in the Lord that things would get better in these two areas of my own life. Things would get better for a while and then it would get worse. It seemed as though we were going around in circles. For 24 years it seemed as though I was watching Satan having a good time in my marriage and finances. I would pray and believe that the Lord would change things. And again, things would change for a season. I truly thank the Lord for His mercy and grace. Around June of 2007, the Lord woke me up from what I call a “spiritual coma”. I literally felt like I had been asleep for more than 20 years. I immediately began to seek the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I began to watch the words I spoke, what I read, what I looked at and where I go. I began to live a fasted lifestyle. I also noticed that the Holy Spirit began to change my prayer life. I began to pray more. I began to pray all kinds of prayers (e.g., thanksgiving, praise, worship, intercession and prophetic).

It was doing the time of prophetic prayer when the Lord revealed to me the problem of my situation. As I was praying, He fixed my eyes on a certain demonic spirit. I told the Lord, “I never heard of this kind of demonic spirit.” This demonic spirit was the “strongman” operating in my family life. I immediately went on the internet to get more information about it. I found out that the main responsibility of this demonic strongman is to breakup marriages and prevent their finances from coming forth. I also found out that this demonic strongman is well known in Africa; and America is naïve to it. By now you are wondering what it is? The name of the strongman is “Spirit Wife and Spirit Husband, sometimes referred to as Water Spirits”.

Many families are plagued with these demonic spirits. Many husbands and wives wonder why they seem to argue and fight one moment and the next moment they are getting along fine with each other. Another way to determine if these demonic spirits exist in your life and family is by your dreams. If you or your spouse is dreaming about having sex with someone, it does not matter if that someone is your spouse or not, they are “Spirit Wife and Spirit Husband” having sex with you. IT IS NOT A DREAM! These spirits enter one’s life through lust, premarital sex, pornography, adultery, masturbation and oral sex. The world calls them “Wet Dreams”. They are actually demonic spirits having sex with human beings. These jealous spirits are destroying Christian marriages and they need to be renounced and pulled down by aggressive prayer (James 5:16) and a fasted lifestyle (1Timothy 2:1).

For more information on the subject, visit:

Prayer Points:

Fasting (6am - 6pm) for 7 days
Praise and worship God for one hour Oh Lord have mercy upon me (Psalms 51:1-19) - 7am to 6pmPraise and thank God for one hour - 6pm to 7pm

Pray from 12:00am - 1.00am “one hour” for 21 nights2 Timothy 2:26, Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:1-3, Jeremiah 51:6

  • By the power in the blood of Jesus, I renounce and divorce my marriage with Spirit Husband/ Spirit Wife in the name of Jesus
  • By the power in the blood of Jesus, I brake very covenant I entered into with the Spirit Husband/ Spirit Wife in the name of Jesus
  • You spirit children connecting me to Spirit Wife/Spirit Husband, catch fire and die in the name of Jesus
  • Oh God arise and release fire from above to consume every spiritual marriage certificate, wedding gown, rings and other materials used for my spiritual marriage in the name of Jesus
  • You “Water Spirit”, I command your water to be polluted by acid, fire of God Almighty in the name of Jesus
  • Every property of Spirit Husband/Spirit Wife, in my possession, catch and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus
  • I charge my body soul and spirit with the fire of God
  • You Spirit Wife/Spirit husband binding my feet and hands from marriage, having children and prosperity, enough is enough brake and scatter in the name of Jesus
  • You strange man/strange woman in my dream claiming to be my husband/ wife, I am not your husband/ wife. Die, in the name of Jesus
  • Every blood of Spirit Wife/Spirit Husband inside my blood, be flushed out now by the blood of Jesus
  • By the power in the blood of Jesus, I enter a blood covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Today I drink the blood of Jesus and eat the flesh of Jesus
  • My Father, my Father, thank you for delivering me from the hands of spiritual marriage
Pastor Daniel K. Olukoya
Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries
Lagos, Nigeria

Every Stronghold is Broken!

The Word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which was spoken to us in BCFC women’s prayer. 

The Holy Spirit moved mightily among us this morning. At first I was worshiping the Lord through songs of adoration and praise. As I was singing, I began to speak these words to the Lord: “Thank you Lord for filling us with your precious Holy Spirit.” As I repeated these words continuously, I began to feel the Holy Spirit coming up from my spirit (belly). Then all of a sudden I began to speak in a powerful tongue. I would speak in tongues for a while and then I would speak in English. I noticed that each time before I would speak the words “Every stronghold is broken”, I would make a powerful clapping sound with my hands.

When I returned home, I decided to look up the word “stronghold” and the Thesaurus gives the definition “iron grip”. The Lord assured us this morning that every stronghold or iron grip of the enemy is broken! All praise to the Most High God!

These are the words that came forth from my spirit (belly):

Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!

The religious stronghold is broken!
The financial stronghold is broken!
Family stronghold is broken!

Know not that I Am the Lord that healeth thee!
Fear Me, for I Am He Who can destroy body and spirit!
Satan is under your feet! So act like it!
Tread upon his head!

Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!

Why are you looking on Terry?
As if these are her words. Take your eyes off her.
She is only an instrument that I am using.
Judge the words that are coming from her mouth.

Are they not my words?

Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!
Every stronghold is broken!

Impact on Practicing Yoga for Christians

Thomas from Malaysia emailed this to Victoria Ho from a friend and I also felt prompted to share it with you on my blog.

Hi friends.

On Wednesday, I attended a talk by an ex-yoga teacher, Mdm Poh Shon Choy, who sold her yoga centre (earning lots of money giving yoga lessons) and severed all ties with yoga. She urges us to inform relatives, friends, family members, etc., NOT to get involved at all.

Many claimed that they only join to keep fit, only doing the exercise poses and not meditation. Christians think it is ok so long they don't participate in the Meditation part. Mdm Choy explains that the central of Yoga (originated from Hinduism) is the spirit of Kundalini (spirit of snake or cobra). Yoga poses are actually animal poses (e.g. camel, rabbit,). All these look very normal and harmless, stretching and exercising.

But the danger is, once a person does such poses, the spirit of Kundalini (the snake is in a coiled position) is stimulated or aroused. As the persons goes from basic to intermediate to advance stage of yoga lessons (still not meditation yet), the coiled "snake" will be aroused further. It will rise and rise further.

There are 7 centres in the human body -> Starting from the navel.

The final centre is the part between the eye brows (known to many as the third eye). When the spirit is aroused to the final centre, the third eye will be opened. This is called the full enlightenment. The first thing the person sees is demons. For some, they will become insane seeing such horrifying demons. For others, they are not afraid and will have the power to fore-tell other people's health, problems, luck, etc (like a fortune teller). In fact, they manipulate and control other people.
The meditation part will come in very subtle. Mdm Choy said she was approached by a couple who found her contact from the yellow pages and told her they wanted to teach her new things about yoga. She was very keen and sat under their teaching. She learnt how to meditate and it must be done in odd hours of the day(past midnight). (Vic note : usually for New Age group they will start meditation past mid-night too.)

So she tried. She actually felt a wriggling feeling in her stomach! She also mentioned that her third eye was opened. She could see her own aura (electric fields in all human beings). Her turning point came when God caused her spiritual eyes to open - she witnessed a lady being delivered, wriggling like a snake on the floor. Mdm Choy thanked God for being gracious to her. She took 1-2 weeks to be delivered.

She knows of a lady who took 3 months to be cleansed!! It is a sad thing. There is even yoga lessons for children. In the States, a Methodist started the Christian yoga. However, there are some believers who still continue, saying that they find no harm after doing yoga for 3 years.

Mdm Choy says it is our soul that is in danger. The evil one will try all ways to ensnare/trap Christians. Someone in the class raised a question - if we have The Holy Spirit, how can the spirit of kundalini be aroused?

Mdm Choy replied our God is a holy God, the Holy Spirit will be grieved and will depart. God cannot be mocked. God's spirit left King Saul when he disobeyed God. To God, rebellion spirit is witchcraft. We are not against yoga teachers, yoga students but we are fighting against powers, principalities in the spiritual realm.

From Whom, Am I Receiving Comfort?

I want to share with you a dream I had this morning. In the dream I was ministering deliverance to an individual. Like Jesus, the Christ, I asked the demon spirit its name. It told me. I ordered the demon spirit to go back down and asked the individual to confess forgiveness toward their spouse, family and friends that may have caused any hurt toward them. I then ordered the demon spirit to come forth and commanded it to leave. When I commanded it to leave, it looked at me as though it had every legal right to remain. I knew it had a legal right because it would not leave. I once again ordered the demon spirit to go back down. I began to talk with the individual so that I could find out what that legal right might be. As I talked with the person, they said something that caught my attention. Based on what they had said, I immediately discovered the legal right.

Before I could order the demon spirit to come up again, I saw another demonic spirit walking toward us. This demonic spirit was bigger and more powerful than the one that was in the individual. I immediately knew it was calling for reinforcement because it knew that I found out about its legal right and it also knew that once I command it to come out, it had to leave. When I saw the bigger and more powerful demonic spirit coming toward us, my two friends and I began to fight against it. I noticed that we were fighting as though we were each in our own little corner. I also noticed that we were not winning nor losing the battle. The fight was stagnate. Then suddenly my two friends and I began to pray in tongues. As we prayed in tongues, I noticed how we began to stand side-by-side of each other. I also noticed how we began to march in unison. As we marched in unison, the Power of God came upon us and we began to offensively march toward the bigger and more powerful demon. That demonic spirit was so afraid that it flew back where it came from. The other demonic spirit also left the individual.

By now, I know you’re wondering about the legal right. Before Jesus, the Christ, left this earth, He told His disciples that He was leaving, but the Father would send another Comforter. The 3 1/2 years Jesus was with His disciples, He was their teacher and comforter. The time came when Jesus had to leave this earth and return to His Heavenly Father. He would no longer be there physically with His disciples and He refused to leave them as orphans, without a Helper. Jesus prayed to His Father that He would send another teacher and comforter.

This person is the “Holy Spirit”.

John 14:16
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;

John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 15:26
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

John 16:7
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

The legal right that was given to this demonic spirit was “false comfort”. This person found their comfort in something other than the Holy Spirit. Because of their willingness to receive comfort from/in other ways than the Holy Spirit, they opened the door for a false comforter or demonic spirit imposing as a comforter to enter them. The Holy Spirit is our ONLY Comforter, sent by our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ. He is also our Teacher, Guide and Life Coach. So ask yourself, from whom, am I receiving comfort?

Intimacy with God

When I was young, I did not understand how one can be intimate with God when you cannot see Him. How can we become intimate with God? Let’s first take a look at the word intimate. The dictionary gives one of the meanings as having, involving or result from a close personal relationship. After reading this meaning, the question can be reworded as, “How can we have a close personal relationship with God?

Why do we have close personal relationship (or intimacy) with family and friends? Is it because we see them on a daily basis and spend a lot of time with them? The answer is yes. Therefore, intimacy with God is spending time with Him on a daily basis. Spending time with a person is getting to them. The only way we can get to know the Lord is to first spend time in His Word, the Holy Bible. We must always remember that God is a spirit and we first must believe that He exists. Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

How can you spend time with family and friends when you believe that they do not exist? It’s impossible. You must first believe that they exist and then you spend time with them. The same is true with God. By faith, you choose to believe that He exists and then you spend time getting to know Him through His Word, the Holy Bible. This process causes you to develop a close personal relationship with Him; therefore, being intimate with Him. The Lord will reveal Himself to you through His Word. As you read and study His Word, you will see, through the Word, that the Father has given us a Helper. He is the Holy Spirit. He lives in us and is always with us. John 14:17, “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

Let us welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives so that we can develop a close personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


How "Spiritual" Are You?

What does the word “spiritual” really mean? One meaning the dictionary give is “matters concerning the spirit” and another “relating to sacred things rather than worldly things”.

My daughter recently commented to me that a member of our local church stated to a young man that I was spiritual, in order words, we do not connect. When she first told me, my spirit rejoiced because it is my desire to become even more spiritual so that I can connect with my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. It should be every child of God desire to become spiritual in all matters. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. It is not a struggle at all to be unspiritual, which is carnal-minded, because we were born that way. The meaning for “carnal” is “relating to somebody’s physical needs or appetites, especially as contrasted with spiritual or intellectual qualities”. The struggle comes when we desire to change from worldly or carnal desires to spiritual desires.

Jesus, the Christ, said that the Father is seeking true worshippers:
  • John 4:23, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
  • John 4:24, “God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
  • John 14:17, “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
  • John 14:26, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
  • John 15:26, “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”
  • John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
As we see from those scriptures that the Father is not of this world. So how can we worship Him if we do not seek to become spiritual? Remember there is a prince of this world that work in the children of disobedience that walk according to the course of this world (Ephesians 2:2).

Let us all strive to become more and more spiritual every day toward the things of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ because one day He is coming back!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Power Supply Is God!

The people in a congregation are like a plug,
worthless without electricity (Jesus).

The pastor of the church is the outlet,
which leads the way to the electricity (Jesus).

When the plug (people)
is inserted (taught by)
into the outlet (pastor),
electricity (Jesus)
flows into the plug (people)
giving energy (life or enlightenment)
into the plug (people).

If you have ever been in a room
where the outlet will not work
without flipping a switch,
you will realize there is
no power or electricity flowing.

The switch represents the Holy Spirit
and if there is no Holy Spirit (switch),
there is no electricity (Jesus) flowing
and the outlet (pastor)
and plug (people)
are dead/worthless.
Word of the Lord through 19 year-old Murial D. King on 08-09-09