Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reminiscing . . .

Our oldest daughter recently rejoined Facebook. She posted her baby pictures and one of them reminded me when I became a mother for the very first time. When she was several weeks old, she became sick. For three days and nights, I did not get any sleep due to constantly watching over her. On the fourth morning, I noticed that she was still agitated. My husband had to work and my mother and grandmother lived about an hour away and they could not help me. Sitting in the rocking chair, I suddenly cried out with a loud voice and said, "I do not know how to be a mother. Please help me." I want you to know that at that moment, I was not a Christian. I continued to say those words several times with tears flowing down my face. Then suddenly, my baby became well and the tears instantly stopped. From that day until today, I had and have no problem with being a mother, either to my child or to another woman's child. The LORD God had given me His grace, the will and the strength to be a loving and caring mother to all children. Selah †