EC is a preacher’s kid.
Since the age of six, people would often say to him that he is called to
ministry LIKE his father. This led him
to confusion. Fear grabbed hold of
him. At the age of 10, his family moved into
a new house. EC’s parents instructed him
to carry out the trash. When he arrived
at the trash bin, he saw that the previous tenants had forgotten to empty their
trash before they left the premises. EC
did not know that was the subtle plan of Satan that the previous tenants did
not empty their trash bin. He opened the
trash bin and saw a magazine. He looked
and continued to look. Through his eye
gate, he was not aware that sexual demons entered into him. From that day, EC started masturbating and
watching pornography. In his teens, he even
attended with a group of church friends an orgy. Even now at the age of 30+, he had NEVER had
sexual intercourse with a woman (or man).
Human knowledge tells us that EC is STILL a virgin. But in the eyes of God, he is NOT. For years EC has been having spiritual
intercourse with succubus—a demon spirit that has convinced itself that it is a
female; and succubus has prevented him from marrying. Based on EC’s story, do
you now see the subtlety of Satan? The
problems this young man is and has been dealing with all his life stems or is
rooted from the incident that happened to him when he was six years old—people continued
to say that he is called to ministry LIKE his father. Through their words, the spirit of fear
entered EC; and it opened the door for other demons to follow. Our LORD Jesus did indeed set EC free from
these strongholds. At the same time, He
instructed him to sin no more. Christ
the SAME yesterday, today and forever.
He changes not. He said it then
and He continues to say, “Go and sin no more.”
Selah †
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Deliverance from Demon Spirit of Fear
I received a call today from a 22 year old girl who was tormented from hearing voices. It caused her to have panic attacks and a fear of being around people. As I listened to her, the Holy Spirit instructed me to ask her about the type of movies she watched. I then asked her, “Do you like watching scary movies?” She then said, “Not now.” So I asked her, “When did you stop liking scary movies?” And she said, “When I was a child.” I then asked her, “What were your age and the movie that you watched.” She said, “I was eight years old and I watched Michael Jackson’s video clip of Thriller.” I then made her aware that was when the demon spirit of fear entered her; and now by the age of 22, that demon had graduated. The LORD God then instructed me to share with her the importance that she turn her television off for a season to read and meditate on His Word so that His Word can wash and rinse her mind from any evil contaminations that she had accumulated since she was eight. The LORD, through me, then commanded EVERY spirit that did not look or sound like Him to COME OUT. She was TOTALLY set free in Jesus’ name. Afterward, she then said, “I was supposed to meet with a psychologist on Monday to be evaluated, but I’m not going now because I KNOW I am free. I felt something leave me. I’m FREE. Selah †
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Destroy the Things Meant for Destruction
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
I won't be with you any more unless you destroy the things meant for destruction that you have with you, says the LORD God. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit continues to say to His Church in Jesus' name.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Farah [Haiti] Deliverance from Marine Demons
In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Agreeing to Disagree
According to the dictionary, the word “opinion” means “attitude”;
and the word “attitude” means “thought or point of view”.
The LORD our God WARNS us that His thoughts (or opinions) are
not our thoughts; and our ways (or approaches) are not His ways. As high as the sky is above the earth are His
ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Therefore, based on His Word, it does away with us agreeing
to disagree due to there being only one opinion which TRULY matters—TRUTH. Selah †
Friday, September 21, 2012
Deliverance from Satanic Dreams
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Let me first define the word "dream". It means "vision, thought, desire, delight and wish". Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit continues to say to His Church in Jesus' name.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Prayer Inspired by the Holy Spirit through Mrs. Terry B. King (1995)
An Open Letter to God — The "Unadorable" Child
Dear Lord:
You look down on us as “dear children”. Yesterday, I held a child in my arms; a child that has been considered "unadorable." But I thank you Lord in that what people consider as unadorable is not unadorable in your eyesight. As I held this child in my arms, I thought about inward and outward beauty. I also thought about how it does not matter to you how spiritually unadorable we are, your arms are always open to forgiveness. Not holding against us our spiritual handicaps, but through mercy and grace, you are always there to wipe the tears from our eyes. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us? As I held this child, who has suffered much scorn because of the lack of physical beauty, in my arms, I began to understand what you consider to be "unadorable." For the seven things that are "unadorable" to you are not "unadorable" to the ways of this world. They are:
1) a proud look
2) a lying tongue
3) hands that shed innocent blood
4) a heart that devises wicked plans
5) feet that are swift in running to evil
6) a false witness who speaks lies
7) one who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)
As I continued to hold this child, you filled my heart full of outgoing love, care and concern. I saw then that beauty is not how one may look on the outside, but the very love of God from within. Therefore, this "unadorable" child has done no wrong towards its accusers. Through you, we can learn to be caring, to be concerned, to be compassionate, and to love an "unadorable" child; because you first loved us [the "unadorable" children of this world (John 3:16)]. As I continued to hold this child in my arms, I began to wonder how you promised to always hold, comfort, and ease our hurts and pains. I began to wonder how, regardless of our spiritual ugliness, you always have compassion in your eyes for us. I began to wonder how you promised to never forsake or leave us for any reason. You are always there for us! So why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?
As I held this child in my arms, I prayed that you would continue to instill within my heart, your compassion, your love, your mercy, and your grace so I could love an "unadorable" child as you love me. I prayed that you would give this child the encouragement and strength it needs in order to survive in a world full of spiritual ugliness. As I continued to think on your mercy and grace, I began to see the beauty within this child. For that beauty was only the desire and need to be held, loved, and cared for. That child began to look on me with compassion from its little eyes. That child knew that someone cared.And through caring, the child's face glowed with hope. Just like through you Lord, we have hope because we know you care. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?
When I gave the child back to its mother, the child's last expression "or choice of words" was a smile. Because the child knew someone cared. As a loving parent Lord, you promised to be with us until the end of our days. You promised to give us a home in your everlasting kingdom. Where pain, suffering, and tears will never be heard of! A home where all children will be adorable! So let's, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as Christ loves us so that our last "choice of words" will be a smile.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The LORD God said, “My servant Moses is dead.”
Even though the LORD God spoke those words to Joshua; at the same time, He spoke those words to the people who followed Moses. The LORD had risen up another to follow in the SAME footsteps as Moses and that was His servant Joshua.
I say that to say this:
Satan is VERY subtle in his ways. I received a call from a young woman whom the LORD had sent to me for deliverance and guidance in her walk with the LORD. At the same time, the LORD had sent another woman and she was delivered from the false religion of Hinduism. I felt lead of the LORD to introduce the two because each had strengths the other did not have and it would be a blessing for them to communicate; and it was a blessing. The devil will not continue to sit back and watch God’s children enjoy one another. He must somehow bring division between God’s children so that there will be no unity; for he knows that the Holy Spirit will not dwell where there is division.
I received a call from the young woman saying that she was confused due to the words that came forth from the woman who once was part of a false religion. The woman who was delivered from a false religion said that the LORD told her to go to YouTube and listen ONLY to a certain man of God. Some of you would say, what’s wrong with that. Well, as the LORD God told Joshua and the people, “My servant Moses is dead”. This man of God whom this woman said the LORD commanded her to ONLY watch and listen to his video messages on YouTube is also dead.
Now think about it. How can someone disciple you when they are dead—no longer on this earth? The LORD God will ALWAYS raise up new servants that will continue in the SAME footsteps of His dead servants. This woman knew that the LORD God had specifically sent her to me to learn to become His disciple (as she had said many times), but she allowed the Evil One to cause her to stop watching and hearing God’s voice through our YouTube video messages (as she were faithfully doing and was blessed).
Now due to her disobedience, she has started following another false religion that is well-known in the USA.
Can you see the subtlety of Satan? If he cannot get us one way, he will sure come another way. We MUST strive to keep our eyes and hears in the Word of God and whomever the LORD God send us to so that we can learn to become His disciple, then we MUST focus on Him through that person in Jesus’ name. Selah †
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Breaking Ministerial Curse of Failure
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Breaking Ministerial Curse of Failure
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Prayer points that deal with every conscious and unconscious curse of ministerial failure. Tune in and be blessed in Jesus' name.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Sexual Demons in God's House
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Lasciviousness, aka indecency and debauchery, is a gross form of wickedness that has sexual overtones in many cases. It starts in a sinful heart.
Sexual Demons in God's House
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Monday, September 3, 2012
Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
PLEASE don’t misunderstand what I’m about to say.
I know by the Spirit of God when the LORD God sends a person to me so that He may speak a “specific” word to them. It may be words of healing, deliverance, miracles and/or salvation. As I’m speaking to them, I also know by the Spirit of God rather the person is receiving what is coming out from my mouth. Therefore, PLEASE do not send me a donation in order to convince me (and yourself) that you received what had been spoken. I would have rather received your obedience than your sacrifice.
Selah †
I know by the Spirit of God when the LORD God sends a person to me so that He may speak a “specific” word to them. It may be words of healing, deliverance, miracles and/or salvation. As I’m speaking to them, I also know by the Spirit of God rather the person is receiving what is coming out from my mouth. Therefore, PLEASE do not send me a donation in order to convince me (and yourself) that you received what had been spoken. I would have rather received your obedience than your sacrifice.
Selah †
Saturday, September 1, 2012
My plan is to use you, but I MUST FIRST do a little pruning of the heart, SAYS THE LORD.
The Living Word spoke those words through me in the congregation service we attended last year. As the LORD was speaking those words, I looked at Him and said, “LORD, these people think it’s me saying these words. Don’t they know it is not me they’re rejecting, but You?”
As I listened to the LORD speaking through me, my heart bowed in admiration and honor to Him. I received those words as the LORD God continued to speak through me asking Him to help me in accepting His pruning process for me in my life. I then realized that it is God’s will to use us as His vessels of mercy and grace; BUT first, He must prune or take away EVERYTHING that is not of Him from our heart and He does it through the preaching and teaching of His Word.
When we hear His word, His word exposes EVERY hidden intent and/or purpose in our heart that is contrary to Him. His word exposes darkness and when darkness is exposed, demons become angry because they like to stay in darkness. IF there is any darkness lurking within our spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions) and/or body, the word of God exposes it; and after darkness is exposed in us and we are unwilling to humble ourselves in confessing our wrongdoings, then our action prevent the LORD God from using us as His vessel of light. We will not be able to expose darkness in the world; instead we will add to the darkness and this will make us enemies of God.
The LORD God loves us very much and His desire is for us to be the light of the world—shining brightly. His desire ALWAYS is to use us, but He MUST “first” do a little pruning of the heart. Selah †
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Don't Charge God Foolishly
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
No one being tempted should say, "I am being tempted by God." For God cannot be tempted by evil, and God Himself tempts no one.Tune in to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.
Monday, August 27, 2012
When to Shoot the Messenger and How
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
It has been said, "Don't shoot the messenger; but I say unto you, it depends on the "message". Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in Jesus' name.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Laugh Out LOUD
Sometimes we may wonder why the LORD God instructs us to do certain things. After we're obedient, sometimes He may reveal to us the reason. I say that to say this.
Yesterday I posted a brief testimony (I left out a lot of other details) on our blogger regarding a lady's deliverance from spirit spouse and spirit child. Well, today I received a comment from an Anonymous Person who was VERY upset about the way I handled the person's deliverance. Satan, through the person, stressed his disapproval Well, of course, I replied with a strong and bold rebuke.
I must say, at least more information was shared about that type of demon spirit which I did not know. The devil and his agents are so dumb. They are not aware when the LORD God use them as it pleases Him.
Selah †
Yesterday I posted a brief testimony (I left out a lot of other details) on our blogger regarding a lady's deliverance from spirit spouse and spirit child. Well, today I received a comment from an Anonymous Person who was VERY upset about the way I handled the person's deliverance. Satan, through the person, stressed his disapproval Well, of course, I replied with a strong and bold rebuke.
I must say, at least more information was shared about that type of demon spirit which I did not know. The devil and his agents are so dumb. They are not aware when the LORD God use them as it pleases Him.
Selah †
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Deliverance from Reptilian Shape-Shifter
A lady accompanied her friend in visiting her Pen Pal in prison. While sitting with her friend and her friend’s Pen Pal, she saw a young man that caught her attention. They started talking and his mannerism was so gentle and kind. After his release, they started dating. After some time, she asked the LORD God rather the young man was the one He has chosen for her. Later that night, she had a dream. She dreamed the young man appeared to her and as she looked on him, his head, hands, feet and finally his whole body turned into a lizard. She suddenly woke up. She thought about the dream for a little while, and then she realized how much she loved the young man; so she dismissed the dream and married him. Shortly after their marriage, all HELL broke loose in her marriage. There would be times when she would look at him, his eyes would transform into a reptile. She would then tell him that he needed to control his eyes because she did not like the way he looked at her. After several months of marriage, her husband was arrested and sent to prison. This happened several times in their marriage. Currently, he is still in prison. She noticed that each time she visited him; he would say to her that he could smell her whenever she was at home. She thought that was strange and was beginning to feel very uncomfortable visiting him; so she stopped. During the night, she noticed that a man would visit her and would perform oral sex. She immediately knew that it was her husband who is still in prison. She was scared and felt very dirty and sickly. She shared her experience with a friend. The friend then told her about our programs and she referred her to us.
As I listened to her, the Holy Spirit told me what was going on in her life. She then admitted to visiting a psychic for consultation. During this visitation, the psychic told her that she would meet a man and she told her exactly how the man would look. Several days later, she met the man in prison. I then explained to her that when she sought counsel from the kingdom of darkness, this opened a doorway for Satan to plan her destiny in him; and his intention was to espouse her to a spirit husband. The contract was legalized when she physically married the man whom Satan sent to her. She then confessed that the LORD God had told her three years ago to annul that marriage covenant; but the man would always sound so sad and would call people to convince her not to leave him and the people would always bring up God’s word where he say not to divorce. I reminded her that it WAS NOT the LORD God who sent that man to her; but it was Satan. I reminded her of the question she asked the LORD about the man and the LORD showed her in the dream that He did not send him. ALSO the Word say, “…What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” So I reminded her that God DID NOT join her with that man, Satan did! Therefore, the LORD God wants her to annul that union; and in the spirit, He will annul the union with the spirit husband. She agreed and the LORD God disconnected her from spirit spouse, spirit child and EVERY spirit that was not of Him in Jesus’ name. (… and by the way, I left out a lot of details.) Dear Hearts, KEEP your affection on the LORD God and your heart will remain in PERFECT peace. Wait on the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart; and when He does, it will NOT have any sorrow with it. Selah †
In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †
A lady accompanied her friend in visiting her Pen Pal in prison. While sitting with her friend and her friend’s Pen Pal, she saw a young man that caught her attention. They started talking and his mannerism was so gentle and kind. After his release, they started dating. After some time, she asked the LORD God rather the young man was the one He has chosen for her. Later that night, she had a dream. She dreamed the young man appeared to her and as she looked on him, his head, hands, feet and finally his whole body turned into a lizard. She suddenly woke up. She thought about the dream for a little while, and then she realized how much she loved the young man; so she dismissed the dream and married him. Shortly after their marriage, all HELL broke loose in her marriage. There would be times when she would look at him, his eyes would transform into a reptile. She would then tell him that he needed to control his eyes because she did not like the way he looked at her. After several months of marriage, her husband was arrested and sent to prison. This happened several times in their marriage. Currently, he is still in prison. She noticed that each time she visited him; he would say to her that he could smell her whenever she was at home. She thought that was strange and was beginning to feel very uncomfortable visiting him; so she stopped. During the night, she noticed that a man would visit her and would perform oral sex. She immediately knew that it was her husband who is still in prison. She was scared and felt very dirty and sickly. She shared her experience with a friend. The friend then told her about our programs and she referred her to us.
As I listened to her, the Holy Spirit told me what was going on in her life. She then admitted to visiting a psychic for consultation. During this visitation, the psychic told her that she would meet a man and she told her exactly how the man would look. Several days later, she met the man in prison. I then explained to her that when she sought counsel from the kingdom of darkness, this opened a doorway for Satan to plan her destiny in him; and his intention was to espouse her to a spirit husband. The contract was legalized when she physically married the man whom Satan sent to her. She then confessed that the LORD God had told her three years ago to annul that marriage covenant; but the man would always sound so sad and would call people to convince her not to leave him and the people would always bring up God’s word where he say not to divorce. I reminded her that it WAS NOT the LORD God who sent that man to her; but it was Satan. I reminded her of the question she asked the LORD about the man and the LORD showed her in the dream that He did not send him. ALSO the Word say, “…What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” So I reminded her that God DID NOT join her with that man, Satan did! Therefore, the LORD God wants her to annul that union; and in the spirit, He will annul the union with the spirit husband. She agreed and the LORD God disconnected her from spirit spouse, spirit child and EVERY spirit that was not of Him in Jesus’ name. (… and by the way, I left out a lot of details.) Dear Hearts, KEEP your affection on the LORD God and your heart will remain in PERFECT peace. Wait on the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart; and when He does, it will NOT have any sorrow with it. Selah †
In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †
Friday, August 24, 2012
The 3 R's To Improving Your Marriage Relationship by Roger D. King
Living in a society that stresses "Look out for number one", there appears to be an over abundance of "Number One's". Who is "Number One" to you? Do you consider yourself "Number One", or is there a "Number One" in your life? Married couples should have a "Number One". Physically speaking, a married couple has a "Number One" - their spouse! Spiritually speaking the married couples' "Number One" should be Jesus Christ! Often times couple who may be struggling with different marital "stresses" look at one another to find fault and somewhere to place blame. Is it your spouse's fault? More times than none, it's probably your own fault. Why? Where is your focus? What are you focusing on in your marriage covenant? Is it the "Holy Contract" that you made with your spouse and God? It's important to keep in mind the seriousness of that agreement! All too often we hear about separations and divorces. These can be avoided if we would refocus and remember our responsibility and remain where we are!
1 - Remember
Remember your focus point. Look to Christ, then spouse, children. Remember all of the sweet, polite, caring, and kind things you did and said when you first met and started dating. The way you acted when you went out for dinner or to a movie. You treated one another as if he/she was a king or a queen. You went out of your way to make sure things were as near perfect as possible. There were sweet notes, flirting and you constantly held hands.
Now that you've been married for some time, some of those things have changed or simple not done at all. You've gotten used to one another, maybe you haven't gotten used to one another and you are just existing. There is always something to distract your attention. Pressures at work, the children needing attention, financial problems, problems at church and so on. It appears that no matter where you turn, there is some sort of distraction. Where is your attention focused? Is it focused on yourself? Others? Most importantly - is your attention focused on your spouse? More important than that, is your attention focused on Jesus Christ? Remember who brought the two of you together. Your meeting one another was no accident or something that happened by chance.
God the Father saw that it was "Not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for Him" (Genesis 2:18). So we see that our marriages are in fact - Made in Heaven. We need to remember that God wants us to treat one another with the love and mercy that He has shown us personally! When the children of Israel were "slaves" to Pharaoh, they begged and pleaded for their release. Some of the pleadings that may have gone up re "Send us someone to help us. Something needs to be done." God answered their prayers by sending Moses to lead them out of captivity. God hears our prayers when we plead with him - remember those "pleadings" for a mate? God answers our prayers even when we don't take into consideration the responsibility that may come with those answered prayers!
2 - Responsibility
We have a responsibility to our mates. We're responsible or our mates' well-being, in the physical sense, emotionally. On the day you exchanged vows, whether before a magistrate or a minister, you made a promise, a vow before God to love, cherish, honor, and obey your spouse. You vowed to - Forsake All Others. This vow or covenant, next to baptism is the most important vow or covenant we can make with someone. We have a responsibility to do everything in our "physical" power to uphold this covenant. We are responsible for respecting one another by obeying the will of Christ which is to obey each other, to love each other and to help each other!
Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives, yield to your husbands as you do to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. In other words, wives, respect your husbands as you respect Christ, however, do not put your husband above Christ. In some cases the wife is the only one saved in a marriage. This is not a just cause for the wife not to fulfill her duties as a wife to her husband. And vice versa - a saved husband should not put demands on his unsaved wife. No demands should be made by either spouse! In verse 25, Christ instructs husbands to love their wives as He loved the church and gave himself for it. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice by giving his fife in order to "take are" of the church! Husbands, are you willing to give up what you have for your wife? Christ did so that the church could be pure and without fault.
We should live our lives not to cause sin in someone else or to bring sin on them! Strive for righteousness in your life, in your marriage and in your families. It is so easy to get caught up in the "things of this world". The saying "Everything that glitters is not gold" is indeed true! Satan will stop at nothing to taint the purity of a marriage covenant. Satan thrives on destruction of relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children. The list goes on and on. Regardless of what Satan throws at us, we're better off in the long run if we cling to Christ and remain in our covenant with our mates. We should look to Christ as our ultimate example. Are you living up to your spouses' expectations? That doesn't matter as much as living up to the expectations of Jesus Christ. Christ instructs us to love one another. The Greek word is AGAPE which means an unconditional love. A love that is always an "outgoing concern" for another person's well-being. Not a love that has conditions or requirements! In other words, regardless of how someone treats you, show love in return. Don't have requirements or rules that say - "As long as you do ... or as long as you do not do ..., I'll love you." Love does not and should not work that way.
Live is "dealing with any and all aspects of our relationships with a caring attitude, without placing blame or fault". These last two should be addressed with one another in such a way that the issue-at-hand is resolved for the benefit of both spouses and not be a heavy burden. Remember God put you together and He does not want to see any separation! Remain as one!
3 - Remain
Remaining as a family structure is not an easy task in this present society that we live in. No matter where you go there are indications that there is a lack of a family structure. Marital strife is the number one problem in the church today as we know it. This shouldn't be! Again, where is our focus? Divorce is becoming the norm in our society and tight-knit families an oddity. With single parenthood (much of which was not the fault of the spouse with the child) constantly rising, there is only so much the mother or father is some cases, can do. Worse yet, teen pregnancy rising on a daily basis. Our children are not being taught true "family values". Values to live by on a "day in - day out" basis. With an "I got mine, you get your own" kind of attitude, things only get worse. Married couples need to develop a closer relationship with Christ! Again, where is our focus? God ordained marriage to be a blessed and holy union! Not to be gotten out of, except through death!
Present day marriage vows have the statement, "Till Death Do Us Part". We're not taking this part of our marriage covenant seriously! We need to reevaluate our commitments that we have made to our spouse. More importantly, we need to reevaluate our commitment and our focus to Christ! Rededicate yourself to your spouse. No matter what you think your "problem or situation" is. Stop trying to change things. You can't. I can't. Only God can. Re-focus your attention on Jesus Christ and He will in return make the necessary changes in your marriage and family life. Christ will then allow you to be examples of "Light" in this world of darkness. Divorce should not be an option to consider, unless there are scriptural reasons. Matthew 5:32 says, "Only for marital unfaithfulness". Marital unfaithfulness does not limit itself to adultery only!
Marital unfaithfulness can also include improper thoughts or lusts, physically and spiritually speaking. There are forms of misconduct in a marriage that could also be included such as alcoholism, physical abuse, emotional abuse or just plain neglect. If Christ is in us, there should be no reason for neglecting our spouse or our family. Sometimes we feel like we need to "get away". Well, that may be, but plan a family "get away", or a special trip for just you and your spouse. Another thing to remember, if you feel you need a "break", your spouse could very well need a break as well. Work on your own faults! Work them out with Jesus Christ! And Christ will help you to refocus your attention so that your priorities will be in the right place! Remain where you are - in love! Remember your Responsibility, and Remain where you are!
1 - Remember
Remember your focus point. Look to Christ, then spouse, children. Remember all of the sweet, polite, caring, and kind things you did and said when you first met and started dating. The way you acted when you went out for dinner or to a movie. You treated one another as if he/she was a king or a queen. You went out of your way to make sure things were as near perfect as possible. There were sweet notes, flirting and you constantly held hands.
Now that you've been married for some time, some of those things have changed or simple not done at all. You've gotten used to one another, maybe you haven't gotten used to one another and you are just existing. There is always something to distract your attention. Pressures at work, the children needing attention, financial problems, problems at church and so on. It appears that no matter where you turn, there is some sort of distraction. Where is your attention focused? Is it focused on yourself? Others? Most importantly - is your attention focused on your spouse? More important than that, is your attention focused on Jesus Christ? Remember who brought the two of you together. Your meeting one another was no accident or something that happened by chance.
God the Father saw that it was "Not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for Him" (Genesis 2:18). So we see that our marriages are in fact - Made in Heaven. We need to remember that God wants us to treat one another with the love and mercy that He has shown us personally! When the children of Israel were "slaves" to Pharaoh, they begged and pleaded for their release. Some of the pleadings that may have gone up re "Send us someone to help us. Something needs to be done." God answered their prayers by sending Moses to lead them out of captivity. God hears our prayers when we plead with him - remember those "pleadings" for a mate? God answers our prayers even when we don't take into consideration the responsibility that may come with those answered prayers!
2 - Responsibility
We have a responsibility to our mates. We're responsible or our mates' well-being, in the physical sense, emotionally. On the day you exchanged vows, whether before a magistrate or a minister, you made a promise, a vow before God to love, cherish, honor, and obey your spouse. You vowed to - Forsake All Others. This vow or covenant, next to baptism is the most important vow or covenant we can make with someone. We have a responsibility to do everything in our "physical" power to uphold this covenant. We are responsible for respecting one another by obeying the will of Christ which is to obey each other, to love each other and to help each other!
Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives, yield to your husbands as you do to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. In other words, wives, respect your husbands as you respect Christ, however, do not put your husband above Christ. In some cases the wife is the only one saved in a marriage. This is not a just cause for the wife not to fulfill her duties as a wife to her husband. And vice versa - a saved husband should not put demands on his unsaved wife. No demands should be made by either spouse! In verse 25, Christ instructs husbands to love their wives as He loved the church and gave himself for it. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice by giving his fife in order to "take are" of the church! Husbands, are you willing to give up what you have for your wife? Christ did so that the church could be pure and without fault.
We should live our lives not to cause sin in someone else or to bring sin on them! Strive for righteousness in your life, in your marriage and in your families. It is so easy to get caught up in the "things of this world". The saying "Everything that glitters is not gold" is indeed true! Satan will stop at nothing to taint the purity of a marriage covenant. Satan thrives on destruction of relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children. The list goes on and on. Regardless of what Satan throws at us, we're better off in the long run if we cling to Christ and remain in our covenant with our mates. We should look to Christ as our ultimate example. Are you living up to your spouses' expectations? That doesn't matter as much as living up to the expectations of Jesus Christ. Christ instructs us to love one another. The Greek word is AGAPE which means an unconditional love. A love that is always an "outgoing concern" for another person's well-being. Not a love that has conditions or requirements! In other words, regardless of how someone treats you, show love in return. Don't have requirements or rules that say - "As long as you do ... or as long as you do not do ..., I'll love you." Love does not and should not work that way.
Live is "dealing with any and all aspects of our relationships with a caring attitude, without placing blame or fault". These last two should be addressed with one another in such a way that the issue-at-hand is resolved for the benefit of both spouses and not be a heavy burden. Remember God put you together and He does not want to see any separation! Remain as one!
3 - Remain
Remaining as a family structure is not an easy task in this present society that we live in. No matter where you go there are indications that there is a lack of a family structure. Marital strife is the number one problem in the church today as we know it. This shouldn't be! Again, where is our focus? Divorce is becoming the norm in our society and tight-knit families an oddity. With single parenthood (much of which was not the fault of the spouse with the child) constantly rising, there is only so much the mother or father is some cases, can do. Worse yet, teen pregnancy rising on a daily basis. Our children are not being taught true "family values". Values to live by on a "day in - day out" basis. With an "I got mine, you get your own" kind of attitude, things only get worse. Married couples need to develop a closer relationship with Christ! Again, where is our focus? God ordained marriage to be a blessed and holy union! Not to be gotten out of, except through death!
Present day marriage vows have the statement, "Till Death Do Us Part". We're not taking this part of our marriage covenant seriously! We need to reevaluate our commitments that we have made to our spouse. More importantly, we need to reevaluate our commitment and our focus to Christ! Rededicate yourself to your spouse. No matter what you think your "problem or situation" is. Stop trying to change things. You can't. I can't. Only God can. Re-focus your attention on Jesus Christ and He will in return make the necessary changes in your marriage and family life. Christ will then allow you to be examples of "Light" in this world of darkness. Divorce should not be an option to consider, unless there are scriptural reasons. Matthew 5:32 says, "Only for marital unfaithfulness". Marital unfaithfulness does not limit itself to adultery only!
Marital unfaithfulness can also include improper thoughts or lusts, physically and spiritually speaking. There are forms of misconduct in a marriage that could also be included such as alcoholism, physical abuse, emotional abuse or just plain neglect. If Christ is in us, there should be no reason for neglecting our spouse or our family. Sometimes we feel like we need to "get away". Well, that may be, but plan a family "get away", or a special trip for just you and your spouse. Another thing to remember, if you feel you need a "break", your spouse could very well need a break as well. Work on your own faults! Work them out with Jesus Christ! And Christ will help you to refocus your attention so that your priorities will be in the right place! Remain where you are - in love! Remember your Responsibility, and Remain where you are!
The Purpose of These Trials
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Our faith or trust MUST be tested for "genuineness", which is far more valuable than perishable gold. It will be judged worthy of praise, glory and honor as the revealing of Yeshua the Messiah. Tune in and hear more in Jesus' name. Shalom †
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Last night I received a phone call from. . .
. . . a lady who SAYS she is a Christian, a follower and learner of Jesus Christ. After she had confessed to me that she gave her life to Jesus Christ, she proceeded to tell me the awful things that Satan has done and is doing in her family's life — her mother and father were killed by a serial killer two years ago who is still freely walking the streets — her daughter is willfully practicing witchcraft — her brother is full of anger and is an alcoholic. Then she finally spoke about herself; and when she did, she said it quickly so that I would be unable to hear it. So I stopped her and said, “Let me make sure I heard you correctly. You said that you are married, but you are no longer living with your husband? Is that correct?” She said, “Yes.” And then I continued to say, “You also said that you have been living with your boyfriend for the past 1 ½ years?” She said, “Yes.” And then I said, “But you SAY that you’re a Christian? IF you’re a Christian, then why are you blatantly disobeying the LORD God?” She then said, “Because I need somewhere to stay. If I leave this man, then I will become homeless.”
I continued in sharing with her the words of the LORD God in that she MUST decide who she is going to trust. I explained to her how that it is impossible—we CANNOT serve two masters; for we will love the one and hate the other. The LORD God will NOT have it any other way. I also explained to her the reason I could not pray for her the way she wanted me to pray since she was unwilling to submit to the LORD God wholeheartedly. But I did explain to her that I could agree in prayer with her grandmother’s prayers because the LORD God had made me aware that He is ONLY honoring her prayers that were regarding her children and her children’s children. She then told me that her grandmother was dead and she knew that she had prayed for them. In spite of me emphasizing the importance of her trusting the LORD God as her Jehovah-jireh (the LORD Who Provides); she still refuse to leave her boyfriend due to fear of becoming homeless. By doing so, she has tied the hands of God (and mines) from working on her behalf.
Dear Hearts, IF we SAY that we love the LORD God, but willfully refuse to obey Him; then we are a liar and the TRUTH is not in us according to His Word. Let us love the LORD our God with all our heart, soul (mind, will, emotions) and body. Let us be DOERS of the Word and NOT just hearers. Selah and Shalom †
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Don't Let Another Receive Your Blessing
A lady from Ghana called me regarding being set free from sex in the dreams. As I shared with her the “root cause” of this, she IMMEDIATELY said that she is NOT having sex and is not involved in masturbation and/or pornography. I kindly explained to her the meaning when Jesus Christ wrote in the sand where the religious leaders brought a lady to Him who was caught in adultery. I noticed as I was sharing with her, she was agitated. I also knew that it was that demon inside her who was irritated and did not want her to KNOW this truth. When I continued explaining to her about the “root cause” of her demonic harassment in her dreams, I saw that she was unwilling in receiving what I was saying. She then stated that she had to end the conversation due to not having enough money on her card, but she will call back tomorrow. So I kindly reminded her to be aware that those demons in her would convince her not to call me back because they KNOW that they will be thrown out of her. And at the same time, I also knew that she was not receiving TRUTH about her problem and this will cause those demons to be successful in convincing her not to return the call.
Now, the MOST AMAZING thing that happened after I hung up the phone with the lady is that about several minutes later, another woman called from Florida who was experiencing the same harassment as the first woman. The difference with this lady was that after I explained to her the VERY same things I told the first lady, this lady received it with ALL her heart. She knew it was TRUTH. Dear Hearts, do you know that this lady was set TOTALLY free. And then the LORD God reminded me that since the first lady refused her total deliverance so He sent the second lady to receive it.
Dear Hearts, don’t let another receive your blessing in Jesus’ name!
Selah †
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Deliverance of Iditta from Witchcraft
Tune in as I share an audio recording (with permission) of an AWESOME deliverance that took place through Skype. For many years Iditta has gone through many deliverance sessions believing the LORD God for her complete deliverance from a dark spirit due to witchcraft that was done against her. Also due to sexual immorality before marriage, a spirit spouse entered her and broke up her marriage-causing her to experience sex in her dreams, depression, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, anger, fears, physical afflictions; and finally, it destroyed her life. LISTEN as the LORD God reveal the "root" cause that was preventing Iditta's COMPLETE deliverance and FINALLY setting her COMPLETELY free in His name.
In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
As I observed Pastor Parsley laying hands on people before me, they would fall backward; but I said to myself, “Oh, I can take it! I will not fall!”
In 1995, the LORD God spoke to me about His anointed servant laying hands on me. I immediately said to the LORD, “I do not know anyone who is anointed.” He then told me that He wanted me to attend a crusade where Pastor Rod Parsley would be coming to a town that was 50 miles away. I immediately said, “But LORD, do you know how many people would be there?” Then the LORD was quiet. So I said, “Yes, LORD. If it is your will, let it be done.”
When the time came, my family and I went to Raleigh, North Carolina as the LORD commanded. When the Service started, the worship was awesome and we were singing, dancing and praising the LORD. Suddenly Pastor Parsley said, “I’m about to do something that I usually don’t do until after the message. All who want to be anointed come up.” I looked at the crowd and said to myself, “I’m not going up. Look at all those people.” Then suddenly as I was dancing and thinking, it was as though two angels came and stood on each of my side and they gently lifted me up by my elbows. Now, to me it was as though I was floating up toward the front because I looked at my feet and said, “Feet, why are you moving?” But I could not stop. When I arrived up front, I immediately said, “See and look at those people.” Then suddenly, a man appeared in front of me and waved his hand and the people divided. Then those two angels gently lifted me up by my elbows and I found myself in front of the stage. As I observed Pastor Parsley laying hands on people before me, they would fall backward; but I said to myself, “Oh, I can take it! I will not fall!” Then as soon as Pastor Parsley came in front of me, I said those words again to myself and before he could even touch my forehead, I fell backward.
Dear Hearts, what I experienced while under the power of the Almighty God was an experience I had NEVER had before. I knew that I was in the presence of God the Father. And He was cradling me as though I was a little baby; and the peace that radiated from Him was so awesome. I literally was saying to Him, “Oh, the peace. It feels so good.” I did not want to leave, but then I heard the LORD God say, “Get up. Others have their turn.” So I then said, “Okay, LORD since you said so, but I do not want to.” It was then I slightly opened my eyes and saw that both my hands were sticking straight up in the air all the while I was on the floor. I then staggered to my feet in a drunken state.
Now, there was a reason the LORD God wanted me to be anointed by His servant in the laying on of hands, but I will not go into details about it right now. I learned from that first experience to not be turned off with the REAL thing when most of the time we see the counterfeit. Selah †
Faith (in God) Comes By Hearing (the Word of God)
Let’s take note ONLY on how and what Jesus Christ taught when He was walking on this earth.
REMEMBER, faith or trust in God ONLY comes as a person HEARS the WORD OF GOD. Jesus Christ ONLY spoke and taught the Kingdom of God to hearers. He did not focus on nor teach people about politics of the local church and/or the government. He knew if he would have done that, then the people would have placed their faith or trust in the wrong things. After all, IF faith in God comes by hearing God’s Word; then unbelief and doubt comes by not hearing God’s Word.
Since the LORD God opened the door for me to talk with many people from around the world, I am clearly seeing the IMPORTANCE of strictly teaching God’s Word so that the hearers would receive trust or faith in God. When we teach people what God says; then when they hear the opposite, they will not adhere to it because it will be the voice of the stranger.
Selah †
Monday, August 13, 2012
Spiritual Sex
Whenever one allows sexual lust to enter through their eye gate; in the spirit realm, they are literally having sex with demons. Now, the first stage of spiritual sex causes a person to have spiritual intercourse with a spiritual partner known as spiritual beings—demons. When one fails to repent and be delivered, then the second stage causes one to have sexual intercourse with a physical partner known as male and/or female.
The LORD God says in Matthew 5:28 (CJB), “But I tell you that a man who even looks at a woman with the purpose of lusting after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Sexual lust causes one to FIRST commit spiritual adultery against the LORD God. Repentance and deliverance is needed in Jesus’ name.
Selah †
The LORD God says in Matthew 5:28 (CJB), “But I tell you that a man who even looks at a woman with the purpose of lusting after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Sexual lust causes one to FIRST commit spiritual adultery against the LORD God. Repentance and deliverance is needed in Jesus’ name.
Selah †
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Umbilical cord = providing a link to something essential.
Examples = connecting a newborn baby to their mother, connecting an astronaut working outside a spacecraft to the spacecraft.
I had a young woman from Charlotte, North Carolina to call me. The LORD God led her to our YouTube Channel videos due to her needing deliverance NOW. The devil took advantage of her when she was only 3 or 4 years old and penetrated her private parts. At the age of 6, she started masturbating so hard in that blood literally ran from her vagina. She stated that she had gone through numerous deliverance, but those devils would always return. I then told her the reason why. I said, “Probably because whoever done those deliverances did not know to sever the spiritual umbilical cord.” She then shouted, “It’s strange you said that because I would always hear a voice say to me to sever the umbilical cord. I did not understand it so I would ignore it. Now, since you explained to me what it is, I understand.” After speaking with her, the LORD God then COMPLETELY set her free from the stronghold of the demon of lust. God is so good!!!
Selah †
Monday, July 30, 2012
However, many in the crowd put their trust in him and said, “when the Messiah comes, will he do more miracles than this man has done?”—John 7:30 (CJB)
Mm mm. The people believed Jesus was a man of God and it was by God the miracles were done, but they did not believe He was the Christ. Talking about double-mindedness, they were! Do you think people of today, especially those who are called by His name, are participating in such double-mindedness? They strongly believe that Jesus Christ will help them in one area of their life; but when it comes to other areas, His strength seems to be too weak so they seek other means of comfort. The LORD continues to say, “Indeed that person should not think they will receive anything from the LORD, because they are double-minded, unstable in all their ways (James 1:7-8).”
Selah †
Sunday, July 29, 2012
SELF-DELIVERANCE according to God
Many Christians have been told that they MUST do self-deliverance daily in order for them to become free and to remain free; so they privately say their warfare prayers commanding demons to come out of their body and/or soul. While at the same time, they refuse to involve others in their deliverance.
REMEMBER whenever people need to be set free from demonic strongholds, the individual cannot COMPLETELY perform this task on their own. They need the LORD God working through His servant.
IF you are daily saying warfare prayers in order to cast demons out of yourself, then ask yourself, “In what area(s) am I being disobedient?” For it is ONLY through the doorway of disobedience demons will enter into a person. Selah.
When the LORD God set us free from demonic possession, oppression and/or depression; then we are TRULY free in deed. From this point, we now have a role to play in our walk of FREEDOM in Christ Jesus while on earth. We MUST maintain (keep in good condition or keep up) our deliverance in Him; and the ONLY way to do this is by obeying the Word of God which says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).” Self-deliverance is NOT the casting out of demons. It is a simple process to maintain one’s deliverance or freedom in Christ Jesus.
When one fail to follow this simple guideline, the devil will return with vengeance in bringing seven other wicked demons with him to inhabit the person’s soul (mind, will, emotions) and/or body (Matthew 12:45). The person’s latter state will be far worse than their former condition and they will find themselves doing worse evil than they have done before. It is then the person will realize they need deliverance AGAIN in Jesus’ name.
To avoid being entangled again with the yoke of bondage (Galatians 5:1), WE MUST MAINTAIN OUR DELIVERANCE IN CHRIST JESUS by yielding daily to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and then we will be able to resist the devil and he will surely run from us. Therefore, when we say warfare prayers, it will be from the standpoint of who we are in Christ Jesus and where we are in Christ Jesus.
Selah †
Monday, July 23, 2012
Power Against the Spirit of Slumber
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
The word "slumber" means "sleepiness, drowsiness, tiredness, fatigue, sluggishness and lifelessness". Let us see from the Scriptures what it is. Tune in to hear more in Jesus' name.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Regard It "ALL" As Joy [Part 1]
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Regard it all as joy when you face various kinds of temptations; for you know that your trust produces perseverance (patience). But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing. Listen to more.
Monday, July 16, 2012
“Offline” Friends

OFFENSE is the primary blockage to a child of God blessing. Sometimes a person may not even be aware that you were offended by something they said, wrote and/or done.
There was a prophetess on Facebook who friended me. One day I received another friend request from her through email. I thought, “She’s already my friend.” So I logged onto Facebook to accept her request once again. To my amazement the request was deleted.
So I then sent her this private message: "I checked my email this morning and saw a Friend Request from you. I thought to myself, "She's already a friend". When I went to check the friend request, the request was removed. I then went to your page to see what was going on and see that I am no longer your friend. Unsure as to what had happened, but I wanted you to know that I did not remove you from being my friend. Unsure as to if you removed me. But I just wanted you to know that I did not remove you. Shalom."; and she NEVER responded.
By the Holy Spirit, I knew the reason she removed me as a friend; but I wanted her to know that I did not have anything against her and as far as I am concerned, she's still my "offline" friend.
Selah †
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Beware of Harmless-Looking Games
I was listening to the testimony of a man that reminded me of an outdoor childhood game I played. I don’t even know how we knew about this game or its name. When I was around 8 years old, the children around me, we played a harmless (so we thought) game where we would gather up leaves and choose a person to be buried. The other children would dance around and say some words over the buried child and then the buried child would jump out of the leaves to catch another child. Whoever the buried child catch, it would be their turn to be buried.
Today as I was watching, the Holy Spirit revealed to the prophet a man’s case. As I was hearing the man give his testimony, I was reminded of this childhood game. Then the Holy Spirit revealed to me that that game was a game of death. It initiated the children into the kingdom of darkness and caused a spirit of death to attach to their life. As I thought about the incidents that happened throughout my life, this explains the cause. There were four times during my teen years that the devil tried to take my life. And even in my adult life as recently as three years ago, twice the devil tried to take me out with a stroke and the LORD God delivered me. BUT praise to the LORD God for His mercy and grace. He did not allow the devil to kill me. And I thank Him because about a year ago, I finally SEEN that this spirit of death was still in operation in my life and the LORD delivered me. PRAISE HIM.
Dear Hearts, be VERY watchful and careful in allowing your children access to games that appear harmless, whether they are outdoor or indoor games. Ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance. Many video games are NOT harmless. Demons are gaining access to our homes and to our children through harmless-looking games. IF you have noticed that your child is acting strange and rebellious, then it means that the demon attached to that game has already entered into your child and deliverance is needed in Jesus’ name. The parent(s), due to being the child’s covering, have legal rights to cast that demon out of their child in Jesus’ name. Don’t wait! Satan’s aim is to finish what he has started in your child—to kill your child. Act NOW in Jesus’ name.
Selah and Shalom †
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Compromise = Cooperate, Negotiate or Bargain
When it comes to TRUTH, there is no compromising!
Because of Christ Jesus, we are able to love ALL people. Sometimes there are those who may try to take advantage of our love for them through Jesus Christ and they will expect us to be VERY careful in what we say and/or do to them. Therefore, they expect us to tread lightly when speaking truth, in order words, meet them half way.
REMEMBER, this is a spiritual war where unseen beings are waging against the knowledge of truth. We, God’s children, MUST violently come against these evil spiritual beings that are holding God’s people in captivity. Due to the human being’s spiritual blindness, they may not even be aware of their spiritual imprisonment. Therefore, it may seem to them that we’re speaking harsh, but actually, we’re speaking violently against the demon spirits that are lurking in them.
Selah †
Because of Christ Jesus, we are able to love ALL people. Sometimes there are those who may try to take advantage of our love for them through Jesus Christ and they will expect us to be VERY careful in what we say and/or do to them. Therefore, they expect us to tread lightly when speaking truth, in order words, meet them half way.
REMEMBER, this is a spiritual war where unseen beings are waging against the knowledge of truth. We, God’s children, MUST violently come against these evil spiritual beings that are holding God’s people in captivity. Due to the human being’s spiritual blindness, they may not even be aware of their spiritual imprisonment. Therefore, it may seem to them that we’re speaking harsh, but actually, we’re speaking violently against the demon spirits that are lurking in them.
Selah †
Thursday, July 12, 2012
WAKE UP! O Sleeper!
Wealth, fame and fortune seem to be “stumbling blocks” to America. America is so well-educated in natural knowledge, while being malnourished in spiritual wisdom and knowledge of TRUTH. The things (e.g., witchcraft, sorcery, psychic readings—to name a few) Missionaries have fought and taught against to eradicate from the lives of people in foreign lands, America is NOW embracing those things with an open heart; and many churches are following her subtle lead.
There are many church people (and even on Facebook) who are operating under these demonic powers while portraying to be true children of God. They are operating under the same spirit as a psychic. The difference is that they give “a word” to those who are seeking to hear God. But due to being far-fetched from the LORD God, they cannot hear the LORD for themselves through His Word. Therefore, they go around seeking “a word” from prophets, prophetesses and apostles.
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! O sleeper! Arise, call upon the LORD, thy God, IF so be that God will think upon us, that America perishes not.
Selah †
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
How to Handle a Corporate Attack
It is ONLY by corporate prayer. The Church, those who have the Holy Spirit Living and Reigning in them, we need to COME TOGETHER and allow the Holy Spirit to intercede or pray through us God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Church TRUE ministry is PRAYER. It seems as though we can find all types of events going on in our local churches and people are committed to serving at or on those events; BUT when it comes to PRAYER, there will be probably less than ten people.
Our Heavenly Father CANNOT hasten to perform His Word UNLESS He, first, hears Himself through His children’s daily prayers. A corporate attack can ONLY be fought by corporate prayer.
Shalom and Selah †
Our Heavenly Father CANNOT hasten to perform His Word UNLESS He, first, hears Himself through His children’s daily prayers. A corporate attack can ONLY be fought by corporate prayer.
Shalom and Selah †
Tenacious Trust
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable, in order to impress on them that they must always keep praying and not lose heart. In a certain town, there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected other people. There was also in that town a widow who kept coming to him and saying, “Give me a judgment against the man who is trying to ruin me.” For a long time he refused; but after awhile, he said to himself, “I don’t fear God, and I don’t respect other people; but because this widow is such a nag, I will see to it that she gets justice—otherwise, she’ll keep coming and pestering me till she wears me out!” Then the LORD commented, “Notice what this corrupt judge says. Now won’t God grant justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Is he delaying long over them? I tell you that he will judge in their favor, and quickly! BUT WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND THIS TRUST ON THE EARTH AT ALL?” Selah †
Friday, June 29, 2012
When we take care of God’s business, He will take care of our business.
For the past several months, I have ministered deliverance to people over the telephone that was set free from their evil oppressors. Last night my daughter started screaming from pain in the bathroom. She yelled for me. When I saw her, immediately the LORD God moved upon me to ask her where she was hurting. She said her “uterus”. I thought that was strange because most young girls would have said their stomach. After hearing her words, suddenly the Holy Spirit came upon me and I placed my right hand on her back and commanded that devil to come out of my daughter. I literally felt the power and authority of God as I spoke those words. My daughter immediately stopped crying and the LORD told me to have her go to the hospital for tests.
The next morning I explained to my daughter why the LORD wanted her to go to the hospital for tests. It was so that she could see that there were nothing physically wrong with her and the problem was stemmed from a spiritual attack. Those doctors could not understand what had caused the pain because the tests did not show there was anything wrong. I also explained to my daughter the reason behind the attack, “Satan is angry with me because of my obedience and willingness in allowing the LORD God to use me in setting His children free. Satan knew that he could not get to me, so he got to the one I love, my child. I explained to her that due to her slightly worrying about school and a job, this opened a tiny crack for Satan to enter through and attack her.”
My daughter then told me that when I placed my right hand on her back, there was a voice inside her saying that it wished I would remove my hand. She also said that when I kept on asking her where she was hurting, she was shouting the answer to me and I acted as if I could not hear her. As I continued to ask her the same question, she was getting angry; and then finally I heard her. I told her that was because after I would ask her the question, she would only mumble the answer and I could not understand. Then finally after the third time, I understood. She did not understand rather it was her saying those words or not. I told her that it was the demon that had jumped inside her womb that was saying it. That was why the LORD had me to command that demon out of your body and it did leave.
I praise and thank the LORD God for His wondrous works in protecting us, His children.
Shalom and Selah †
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Deliverance of Woman from Four Demons

After five months of becoming a Believer in Christ Jesus, a young woman realized she needed deliverance from demons of lust, spirit husband, spirit child and Hinduism. She searched for Christian ministries in her hometown that believed in deliverance. To her amazement, she was shocked. Most churches in her area did not believe in deliverance and those that did wanted to charge her $29.99 or $39.99.
Finally the LORD God sent her to the internet. She came across our YouTube Channel at After watching and listening to several video messages, she stated that the LORD told her, “See that woman! I’m going to deliver you through her. Call her.” She then dialed the number that was listed on the Call-for-Action Overlay of the video; but demons intercepted the call. She tried numerous times, but could not get through.
After several days, we finally connected. She asked me if I received her lengthy voice message. I then replied to her “No.” I thought that was very strange in that I did not receive it because I usually do. BUT praise to the LORD God. Satan could not stop the plan of God. While listening to her, the LORD God instructed me in what I need to do. She was COMPLETELY set free in Jesus’ name.
As of today, we continue to converse with each other the things of God due to the fact that she know no other Believer and that she is the ONLY Believer in her family and IF they were to find out, she would be killed. TRULY the harvest is great, but there are only a few laborers.
Selah †
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Soaring as Eagles
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
What does Isaiah 40:31 mean when it says for us to soar as eagles? Tune in and be free in Jesus' name.
Friday, June 22, 2012
What is an “Old Hag Spirit”?
Believe it or not!
When I was around 19 years old I believed in my horoscope. Due to this disobedience, it opened the door for this demon spirit to visit me. I was driving my car to work that morning and I stopped for the stop sign. When I did, an old lady opened the passenger side of my door and sat in my car.
During those days, I had a tremendous love to help old people, so I allowed her to stay and asked where she wanted to go. She told me down the street. I agreed to take her. As I barely turned the corner, the old woman suddenly began to squirm in panic. She insisted that I let her out of the car. I could not understand her behavior, so I assured her that I would be more than willing to take her where she needed to go. The more I assured her, the more she squirmed and was frantic. She continued to insist that I let her out of the car, so I did. I did not think to see where she was going. I continued on to work.
Many years later after I wholeheartedly surrendered my life to the LORD God, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this matter. I then asked the LORD, “What was wrong with that old lady?” The LORD told me that it was not an old lady. I was shocked and asked Him who it was. He then told me that it was a demon masquerading as an “old lady”. I then asked the LORD for the reason or the door in which this demon had legal right to manifest to me in this fashion. The LORD then asked me, “What did you have on the side of your car where the demon entered?” I then remembered that I had placed a horoscope sticker on that side. And then the LORD said to me, “You remember when the “old lady” suddenly began to squirm?” I said, yes. He said, “What you could not see was the angel I sent to protect you. He sat right between you and the demon. The demon saw him, but you couldn’t. And the demon knew that it had to leave.” After the LORD told me those words, I could do nothing but drop my head and repent of my disobedience toward Him. And I also thanked Him for protecting me.
To answer the question, an “old hag spirit” is a demon spirit that masquerades as an old lady.
Selah †
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Believe It or Not
A few days ago I received a Skype voice message from a young woman. She left her name and number. The next morning I decided to return her call. When she answered, I told her my name and said that I was returning her call. She seemed a little puzzled, but immediately she began to cite her case. As she was talking, she started to cry. She has been praying and believing for the LORD to turn her case around, but it seemed as though the more she prayed, the more the problem persisted. She was beginning to give in to the feeling of giving up; so she screamed out to God for help. After listening to her, the LORD God revealed to me the “root” cause of her case. I explained to her what the LORD has revealed to me. She acknowledged it. By the time our conversation ended, the woman was overwhelmed with joy, peace and happiness. She was TRULY set free. But then the strangest thing happened. I always end my conversation with these words, “You have my number and PLEASE feel free to call me whenever the Holy Spirit lead you.” She then said, “I don’t have your number.” I said, “You don’t. She said, “No.” I then said, “Well, how did you hear about me?” She said, “I didn’t. I was wondering why you said that you was returning my call because I never called you. I have never heard of you.” I then said, “I have your message where you left your name and number.” She then said, “Well, that’s strange because I do not remember ever calling you.” I then told her the time of her call. She calculated the time difference and said, you know, at that time, I was so discouraged and was crying out to God for help, but I do not remember calling you. I had never heard of you.” We then realized that it was the LORD God who made the call. Selah †
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