Friday, September 21, 2012

Deliverance from Satanic Dreams

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.

Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!

Shalom †

Let me first define the word "dream". It means "vision, thought, desire, delight and wish". Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit continues to say to His Church in Jesus' name.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prayer Inspired by the Holy Spirit through Mrs. Terry B. King (1995)

An Open Letter to God  — The "Unadorable" Child

Dear Lord:

You look down on us as “dear children”.  Yesterday, I held a child in my arms; a child that has been considered "unadorable." But I thank you Lord in that what people consider as unadorable is not unadorable in your eyesight.  As I held this child in my arms, I thought about inward and outward beauty. I also thought about how it does not matter to you how spiritually unadorable we are, your arms are always open to forgiveness. Not holding against us our spiritual handicaps, but through mercy and grace, you are always there to wipe the tears from our eyes. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?  As I held this child, who has suffered much scorn because of the lack of physical beauty, in my arms, I began to understand what you consider to be "unadorable." For the seven things that are "unadorable" to you are not "unadorable" to the ways of this world. They are:

1) a proud look
2) a lying tongue
3) hands that shed innocent blood
4) a heart that devises wicked plans
5) feet that are swift in running to evil
6) a false witness who speaks lies
7) one who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)

As I continued to hold this child, you filled my heart full of outgoing love, care and concern. I saw then that beauty is not how one may look on the outside, but the very love of God from within. Therefore, this "unadorable" child has done no wrong towards its accusers. Through you, we can learn to be caring, to be concerned, to be compassionate, and to love an "unadorable" child; because you first loved us [the "unadorable" children of this world (John 3:16)].  As I continued to hold this child in my arms, I began to wonder how you promised to always hold, comfort, and ease our hurts and pains. I began to wonder how, regardless of our spiritual ugliness, you always have compassion in your eyes for us. I began to wonder how you promised to never forsake or leave us for any reason. You are always there for us! So why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?

As I held this child in my arms, I prayed that you would continue to instill within my heart, your compassion, your love, your mercy, and your grace so I could love an "unadorable" child as you love me. I prayed that you would give this child the encouragement and strength it needs in order to survive in a world full of spiritual ugliness.  As I continued to think on your mercy and grace, I began to see the beauty within this child. For that beauty was only the desire and need to be held, loved, and cared for. That child began to look on me with compassion from its little eyes. That child knew that someone cared.And through caring, the child's face glowed with hope. Just like through you Lord, we have hope because we know you care. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?

When I gave the child back to its mother, the child's last expression "or choice of words" was a smile. Because the child knew someone cared. As a loving parent Lord, you promised to be with us until the end of our days. You promised to give us a home in your everlasting kingdom. Where pain, suffering, and tears will never be heard of! A home where all children will be adorable! So let's, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as Christ loves us so that our last "choice of words" will be a smile.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The LORD God said, “My servant Moses is dead.”

Even though the LORD God spoke those words to Joshua; at the same time, He spoke those words to the people who followed Moses.  The LORD had risen up another to follow in the SAME footsteps as Moses and that was His servant Joshua.

I say that to say this:

Satan is VERY subtle in his ways.  I received a call from a young woman whom the LORD had sent to me for deliverance and guidance in her walk with the LORD.  At the same time, the LORD had sent another woman and she was delivered from the false religion of Hinduism.  I felt lead of the LORD to introduce the two because each had strengths the other did not have and it would be a blessing for them to communicate; and it was a blessing.  The devil will not continue to sit back and watch God’s children enjoy one another.  He must somehow bring division between God’s children so that there will be no unity; for he knows that the Holy Spirit will not dwell where there is division.

I received a call from the young woman saying that she was confused due to the words that came forth from the woman who once was part of a false religion. The woman who was delivered from a false religion said that the LORD told her to go to YouTube and listen ONLY to a certain man of God.  Some of you would say, what’s wrong with that.  Well, as the LORD God told Joshua and the people, “My servant Moses is dead”.  This man of God whom this woman said the LORD commanded her to ONLY watch and listen to his video messages on YouTube is also dead.

Now think about it.  How can someone disciple you when they are dead—no longer on this earth? The LORD God will ALWAYS raise up new servants that will continue in the SAME footsteps of His dead servants.  This woman knew that the LORD God had specifically sent her to me to learn to become His disciple (as she had said many times), but she allowed the Evil One to cause her to stop watching and hearing God’s voice through our YouTube video messages (as she were faithfully doing and was blessed).
Now due to her disobedience, she has started following another false religion that is well-known in the USA.

Can you see the subtlety of Satan?  If he cannot get us one way, he will sure come another way. We MUST strive to keep our eyes and hears in the Word of God and whomever the LORD God send us to so that we can learn to become His disciple, then we MUST focus on Him through that person in Jesus’ name. Selah †

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Breaking Ministerial Curse of Failure

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.

Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!

Shalom †

Breaking Ministerial Curse of Failure

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.

Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!

Shalom †

Prayer points that deal with every conscious and unconscious curse of ministerial failure. Tune in and be blessed in Jesus' name.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sexual Demons in God's House

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.

Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!

Shalom †

Lasciviousness, aka indecency and debauchery, is a gross form of wickedness that has sexual overtones in many cases. It starts in a sinful heart.

Sexual Demons in God's House

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.

Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!

Shalom †

Monday, September 3, 2012

Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice

PLEASE don’t misunderstand what I’m about to say.

I know by the Spirit of God when the LORD God sends a person to me so that He may speak a “specific” word to them.  It may be words of healing, deliverance, miracles and/or salvation.  As I’m speaking to them, I also know by the Spirit of God rather the person is receiving what is coming out from my mouth.  Therefore, PLEASE do not send me a donation in order to convince me (and yourself) that you received what had been spoken.  I would have rather received your obedience than your sacrifice.

Selah †

Saturday, September 1, 2012

My plan is to use you, but I MUST FIRST do a little pruning of the heart, SAYS THE LORD.

The Living Word spoke those words through me in the congregation service we attended last year.  As the LORD was speaking those words, I looked at Him and said, “LORD, these people think it’s me saying these words. Don’t they know it is not me they’re rejecting, but You?”  

As I listened to the LORD speaking through me, my heart bowed in admiration and honor to Him.  I received those words as the LORD God continued to speak through me asking Him to help me in accepting His pruning process for me in my life.  I then realized that it is God’s will to use us as His vessels of mercy and grace; BUT first, He must prune or take away EVERYTHING that is not of Him from our heart and He does it through the preaching and teaching of His Word.  

When we hear His word, His word exposes EVERY hidden intent and/or purpose in our heart that is contrary to Him.  His word exposes darkness and when darkness is exposed, demons become angry because they like to stay in darkness.  IF there is any darkness lurking within our spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions) and/or body, the word of God exposes it; and after darkness is exposed in us and we are unwilling to humble ourselves in confessing our wrongdoings, then our action prevent the LORD God from using us as His vessel of light. We will not be able to expose darkness in the world; instead we will add to the darkness and this will make us enemies of God.  

The LORD God loves us very much and His desire is for us to be the light of the world—shining brightly.  His desire ALWAYS is to use us, but He MUST “first” do a little pruning of the heart.  Selah †