Friday, October 19, 2012

Farah [Haiti] Deliverance from Marine Demons

Farah is from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Her grandmother was a High Priest. Farah's mother dedicated her to Satan before she was born. At the age of five, she was sexually molested and tried many times to commit suicide. This molestation continued throughout her childhood from one family member to another. Farah knew that Satan had planned for her to serve him in his kingdom of darkness; but our LORD Jesus Christ had ALREADY planned the course for her life. After over 10 years of experiencing sexual intercourse in her dreams, Farah knew that the LORD was not pleased. She began to seek help from many churches and to her amazement she was told that it was the will of God for her to experience sex in her dreams since she was unmarried. Contrary to what they said, Farah knew that it was wrong. She cried out even more unto the LORD for help. She was then lead by the Holy Spirit to one of our videos on YouTube at She called us seeking deliverance. Our LORD and Savior, Christ Jesus, delivered Farah from torment, oppression and depression from the: 1) Spirit of Belial (Satan); 2) Spirit of Lesbian; 3) Spirit of Coast of the Sea; 4) Spirit of Snake; 5) Spirit Husband; 6) Spirit of Suicide; 7) Spirit of Fear; 8) Spirit of Lucifer; 9) Spirit of Jezebel and 10) many more. With permission, listen to the six-part deliverance session of Farah. WARNING: There are strong demonic manifestations. REMEMBER Christ Jesus is ALWAYS ready and willing to set us free in His Name. RECORDING SHARED WITH PERMISSION.

In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Agreeing to Disagree

According to the dictionary, the word “opinion” means “attitude”; and the word “attitude” means “thought or point of view”. 

The LORD our God WARNS us that His thoughts (or opinions) are not our thoughts; and our ways (or approaches) are not His ways.  As high as the sky is above the earth are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). 

Therefore, based on His Word, it does away with us agreeing to disagree due to there being only one opinion which TRULY matters—TRUTH.  Selah †