Monday, December 16, 2013
Why A Word when there is THE WORD
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
The Word became a human being and lived with us, and we saw His glory, the glory of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth. Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit continues to say to His Church.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Blessed are the Childless Women
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Yeshua turned to them and said, "Daughters of Yerushalayim, don't cry for me; cry for yourselves and your children! For the time is coming when people will say, 'The childless women are the lucky ones — those whose wombs have never borne a child, whose breasts have never nursed a baby!"
Monday, December 9, 2013
Staying On the Path of Purity
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; don't let me stray from your mitzvot. I treasure your word in my heart, so that I won't sin against you. Blessed are you, Adonai! Teach me your laws. I proclaim with my mouth all the rulings you have spoken. I rejoice in the way of your instruction more than in any kind of wealth. I will meditate on your precepts and keep my eyes on your ways. I will find my delight in your regulations. I will not forget your word.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Living As Those Made ALIVE in Christ
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God. Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. Tune in and hear the Holy Spirit talk to you.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Day of the LORD
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Come To Me, ALL Who Struggles
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Your Life is Not a Game
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Also they all ate the same food from the Spirit, and they all drank the same drink from the Spirit — for they drank from a Spirit-sent Rock which followed them, and that Rock was the Messiah. Yet with the majority of them God was not pleased, so their bodies were strewn across the desert.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Deliverance Instructions for Children
These deliverance instructions are for parents who are serving the LORD God with underage children. Deliverance is a slice of the children's bread. Many children are demonized due to parents’ carelessness and rejection of the LORD God. Jesus Christ is our stronghold and Satan only fears Him. Christ Jesus has delegated His authority and power to us through and by the Holy Spirit. Parents are their children’s covering and Jesus Christ is the parents’ covering. Therefore, both parents and children are under the umbrella of God. This is the reason Satan works overtime in convincing children to reject their umbrella (their parents) because by doing so, it will remove the umbrella of God over them. Whenever this happens, parents have the authority and power from God to COMMAND every spirit not of the Holy Spirit to come OUT of their child’s mind, will, emotions and body. Tune in and be blessed in Jesus’ name.
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God. Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Shalom †
Monday, July 15, 2013
Julbens [Haiti] Deliverance from Spirit Wife

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
My Story on Depression
I have come to see that whenever we share certain experiences with others, we will “leave” out the FULL truth. I’m often reminded of a radio host whose famous words were, “. . . and the REST of the story.” Whenever we share our testimony with others, we should at least be willing to share the REST of the story. I could decide not to share with you the REST of the story regarding my own experience with depression and I still would receive your condolences or sympathies; but that is not what I’m aiming for. Therefore, the REST of the story goes like this.
I was in my twenties when I first suffered with depression. No one knew what was going on— neither my mother nor my stepfather. When someone would look at me, I seemed to be fine; but inwardly, I was depressed. When I suffered with that depression for several months; all day and every day, a voice would talk in my head reminding me that I was worthless due to disobeying God. You see, I made a terrible mistake in church service by speaking and the words that came out of me was not spoken by God— it was by a demon spirit in which then I was not aware of such spirits. The next morning, the pastor called my mother and blasted her out over the phone. Before handing the phone over to me, she gently said, “Just say yes.” When I answered the phone, he then proceeded to blast me out in yelling at me that I was wrong.
I attended church service that morning and as always the pastor expected everyone to say something. So I did. As I was speaking, he looked at me as if I had some nerve speaking again. I then sat down after I finished. When I returned home, I thought about what he told me. I then asked the LORD if that was true in that it was not Him who was using me, but the devil. The LORD then said, “Yes, it was devil.” I then repented, but a voice kept coming in my head and saying to me that I was worthless because the devil used me and God will not forgive me. That voice would not leave and it continued to accuse me of being so worthless and unforgiving. It was a constant torment of accusation. I could ONLY think about how worthless I was for allowing the devil to use me. I was so depressed that for months I did not even comb my hair. I would sit quietly on the couch in the living room staring in one place.
Again, I appeared to look fine and everybody thought I was fine. At that time, no one knew about the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, He could not reveal or show them what was going on with me on the inside. Every day I sank deeper and deeper into that depression. My skin color changed and became darker. I experienced hair loss. I could not read or study God’s Word as I done previously. My mind was ALWAYS on the inward accusations I was hearing. Even when I attended church services, the pastor would teach and preach from the Bible using the words to throw “stones” of guilt and condemnation specifically at me; and it caused me to sink a little deeper into that depression.
After months of going through this torment, one day a loving Voice spoke to me. He gently said, “Terry, why are you allowing these people to bother you? Their life is behind them and your life is ahead of you.” I knew exactly what the Voice meant. You see, the pastor, his wife and their buddies were over 50 years old; and they would condemn me every time they spoke in church. After the LORD spoke those words to me, it was as though a LIGHT shined into my heart; and IMMEDIATELY, I felt something leave me. I jumped up and started combing my hair. I was joyous all that day. It no longer mattered whenever I went to church service and the pastor would use God’s Word to throw stones at me. I was so happy and I never experienced depression again.
It was when I was grown and had TRULY surrendered my life to God was when I realized what had really happened to me. I then saw that depression was a demon spirit and it entered me through my disobedience to God. My heart was not FULLY surrendered to God when I would get up in church services to speak. Also due to childhood experiences, I became demonized and did not know it; for that was the doorway the demon used to manifest through me when I spoke that day. The same demon was the one who had opened the door for demons of condemnation and guilt to enter me and whisper their accusations in my hearing that I was so worthless that God will not forgive me. The demon spirit also opened the door for other demons to enter (e.g., depression, unbelief and guilt). It also wanted to open the door to a mental spirit and a spirit of suicide, but the LORD God FREED me before it could be successful.
Dear hearts, it’s DANGEROUS whenever we fail to submit ALL our ways to the LORD God. It’s DANGEROUS whenever we take our mind off Him even for a second. Yes, we need to REMAIN heavenly-minded so that we will be able to be earthly-good (to others). Therefore, whenever we decide to share our story, be sure to at least be willing to include the REST OF THE STORY.
Selah †
Friday, March 29, 2013
Latisha Deliverance from Spirit Husband
Latisha surrendered her life to the LORD God at the age of 18 during a church service. The person prayed for her and demons manifested. She was only 100 pounds and it took about 4 men, including a heavy-set police officer, to hold her down. After the ordeal, she felt something was STILL in her. Over the years, she grew in the knowledge of the LORD; but something was STILL wrong with her. She could not get a TOTAL breakthrough. She attended MANY churches that held deliverance and due to watching their methods of deliverance, she was fearful about deliverance. The LORD God led her to our program. She called and scheduled a session.
As the LORD ministered to her, through me, the Holy Spirit revealed the “root” cause of her problem. From the ages of 5-8 years old, she was sexually molested multiple times in which boys would fondle her in the classroom. This opened the door for sexual demons to attach in her life because her parents rejected the covering of the LORD God. Numerous times she had marriage proposals; but suddenly, the person would call it off due to strange reasons. As the LORD ministered to her, through me, I felt the spirit of fear whispering suggestions to her. I then assured her that there would not be any manifestations as she experienced in the past. I then, by faith, disconnected her from EVERY spirit that were not of the Holy Spirit and applied the Blood of Jesus over EVERY known and unknown covenant and contract to dissolve it.
I confronted the spirit husband in her life and commanded it to pack its load and leave in Jesus’ name. At the end of her session as I was ministering the Word to her, I asked her to begin to say, “Thank you, Jesus.” It was then I felt a long silence and heard a voice grunt, uh-uh, which means no. I immediately shifted from a loving voice to a stern voice and reminded that demon to turn loose and leave her. I felt it was trying to hold onto her and refusing to leave. I reminded it that she was purchased with Jesus’ blood and Jesus owns her and it no longer has any claim to her. I commanded FIRE of the HOLY GHOST ALL OVER HER BODY. I then heard it leave and knew, by faith, it had left. Then I asked Latisha to repeat words after me in which she thank the LORD for setting her TOTALLY free in her soul (mind, will, emotions) and body. She felt a little weak after the warfare, but praising and thanking the LORD for the lightness she was feeling. She then stated that she heard a voice say that it is done. She was free. Shalom †

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
His Promise To Me

As the LORD has instructed me, I would ALWAYS begin to talk and He will start speaking through me. As the person listens, SUDDENLY they would remember something that happened to them that they did not know before. At first, I did not pay any attention to it; but after several more calls, I noticed that each person would say the exact same thing. Then I questioned the LORD about it. He said, “Terry, it is the anointing that I placed upon you. They MUST confess their wrong doings and forsake them in order for me to have mercy upon them. When they confess to you, I have given you POWER and AUTHORITY to set them COMPLETELY free from that stronghold.”
Therefore, dear hearts, whenever the LORD God Himself sends one to me, they will confess and forsake their wrong doings. IF the LORD God did not direct you to me and you call me, then you will not be set TOTALLY free because He did not send you. For His promise to me is that whomever He sends to me, I will not lose. Selah †
OPEN LINE FOR DELIVERANCE; for details, visit here. Shalom †
Monday, March 11, 2013
Power Against Stagnation [No Growth]
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
For you are a people set apart as holy for Adonai your God. Adonai your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His own unique treasure. Because you are listening to these rulings, keeping and obeying them, Adonai your God will keep with you the covenant and mercy that He swore to your ancestors. Tune in and hear what the Holy Spirit continues to say to The Body of Christ.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Demon Spirit of Dog

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Does God Need Our Help
Sometimes the LORD God doesn’t move as fast as we desire Him
to move. Therefore, we will begin to THINK
of ways to help Him. So we will add our
input into our situation and then say, “Look what the LORD has done.” When, in truth, it was not the LORD’s doing;
it was ours.
Father Abraham and Mother Sarah proved this point. The LORD promised them a child, but He was taking too long. So Sarah advised Abraham of a plan to help out God. Even though LIFE comes from God, the process in which they devised to birth that child was displeasing to God because it reflected that they did not believe Him. The NORMAL way in which the LORD God created for a husband and wife to bear children is through sexual intercourse DIRECTLY with each other using the penis through the vagina. Today, there are many Christian couples who are infertile. Instead of doing exactly as Abraham and Sarah in solving their infertile problem; instead, they are turning to In-vitro Fertilization (IVF).
REMEMBER, as Abraham and Sarah, it’s the process in which denies that the LORD our God is faithful. In truth, IVF requires that the husband masturbates in order for his sperm to be collected. Just this process alone is unpleasing to the LORD because the seed is spilled in order to be collected and an object or situation MUST be devised in order for the husband to reach sexual arousal. Do you think that demons will sit by and watch these unpleasing acts to God and not take advantage of it? Think about it!
We MUST trust the LORD our God in EVERY situation of our life; and by doing so, it will add no sorrow to it. Today, just look at Father Abraham’s seed through the son he fathered using the wrong process. Selah †
Father Abraham and Mother Sarah proved this point. The LORD promised them a child, but He was taking too long. So Sarah advised Abraham of a plan to help out God. Even though LIFE comes from God, the process in which they devised to birth that child was displeasing to God because it reflected that they did not believe Him. The NORMAL way in which the LORD God created for a husband and wife to bear children is through sexual intercourse DIRECTLY with each other using the penis through the vagina. Today, there are many Christian couples who are infertile. Instead of doing exactly as Abraham and Sarah in solving their infertile problem; instead, they are turning to In-vitro Fertilization (IVF).
REMEMBER, as Abraham and Sarah, it’s the process in which denies that the LORD our God is faithful. In truth, IVF requires that the husband masturbates in order for his sperm to be collected. Just this process alone is unpleasing to the LORD because the seed is spilled in order to be collected and an object or situation MUST be devised in order for the husband to reach sexual arousal. Do you think that demons will sit by and watch these unpleasing acts to God and not take advantage of it? Think about it!
We MUST trust the LORD our God in EVERY situation of our life; and by doing so, it will add no sorrow to it. Today, just look at Father Abraham’s seed through the son he fathered using the wrong process. Selah †
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dear Hearts, BE AWARE!
Over each local church there will ALWAYS be a stronghold—either the Holy Spirit or demon spirits. We need to START asking the LORD our God to reveal to us the “stronghold” over a church BEFORE entering. REMEMBER, the LORD said, “No SERVANT can serve two masters; for either they will hate the one, and love the other; or else they will hold to the one, and despise the other.” Selah †
I (Evangelist King) received a call from a woman who needed deliverance from sexual demons (water spirits) for herself and her 13 year old son. Many years ago, she married a pastor after the LORD commanded her NOT to marry him. Throughout her marriage she was tormented by the demons in her and in her husband. While sleeping, she would feel someone hitting her really hard and hear a squeaking noise like a pig—a high pitch noise. After awakening, she would see her husband looking at her with blood-shot red eyes. The next morning she would question him about it, but he would not remember doing those things. He later divorced her.
She shared a dream or vision with me in which her son had many years ago about his father’s church when he was only six years old. He said, “I saw the main sanctuary suspended in water. It had no foundation and above the church was a big black octopus. I was scared to go into it; so I went to the church across the street (the multipurpose building where they have youth church) because it looked like a carnival and fun. I went in. When I came back out, I saw next to the main sanctuary that had the big black octopus, a slide going up and a slide going down; so I took the stairs going up. When I took the stairs going up, I looked back over to the multipurpose building and saw daddy coming out of the door and a red octopus pulled him back in. As I went up on the stairs, I ended up on top of what I thought was the world. It was like a globe. I was on top of the world and it was suspended in the ocean. I jumped off the world and jumped into the ocean and the waters divided and the sea creatures came up and the waters closed back. I then woke up.”
I (Evangelist King) received a call from a woman who needed deliverance from sexual demons (water spirits) for herself and her 13 year old son. Many years ago, she married a pastor after the LORD commanded her NOT to marry him. Throughout her marriage she was tormented by the demons in her and in her husband. While sleeping, she would feel someone hitting her really hard and hear a squeaking noise like a pig—a high pitch noise. After awakening, she would see her husband looking at her with blood-shot red eyes. The next morning she would question him about it, but he would not remember doing those things. He later divorced her.
She shared a dream or vision with me in which her son had many years ago about his father’s church when he was only six years old. He said, “I saw the main sanctuary suspended in water. It had no foundation and above the church was a big black octopus. I was scared to go into it; so I went to the church across the street (the multipurpose building where they have youth church) because it looked like a carnival and fun. I went in. When I came back out, I saw next to the main sanctuary that had the big black octopus, a slide going up and a slide going down; so I took the stairs going up. When I took the stairs going up, I looked back over to the multipurpose building and saw daddy coming out of the door and a red octopus pulled him back in. As I went up on the stairs, I ended up on top of what I thought was the world. It was like a globe. I was on top of the world and it was suspended in the ocean. I jumped off the world and jumped into the ocean and the waters divided and the sea creatures came up and the waters closed back. I then woke up.”
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Healing Scriptures for GOOD HEALTH
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Shalom Morning Prayer on Mondays/Fridays at 12:00 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Dear friend, I am praying that everything prosper with you and that you be in GOOD HEALTH, as I know you are prospering spiritually.—3 John 1:2 (CJB). This year is my best year ever. It will be my year of victory; and that begins with me, and I enjoy a healed body and walking in HIS WHOLENESS. Saying Scriptures ALOUD are medicine to our health! We need to remain faithful in taking God's medicine. Listen as Evangelist King share the Great Physician's prescriptions. They are not direct quotations from the BIBLE, but are paraphrased confessions based on the Scriptures.
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