Monday, July 24, 2017
The Method
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Friday, July 21, 2017
The Witch (or Medium) of Endor
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
An Open Letter to God: The "Unadorable" Child
Dear hearts, this is a TRUE story that happened in 1995 as I held an HIV infested little baby. The mother was also infested with AIDS and shared her sad story on how her mother and family looked at her child as though he was not human. As I listened to her, the compassion of the LORD filled my heart for the child and the Holy Spirit IMMEDIATELY began to intercede through me in praying for the child and ALL unadorable children of the world. And by the way, the LORD God healed the child and today he is STILL free from AIDS.
Dear LORD:
You look down on us as “dear children”.
Yesterday, I held a child in my arms; a child that has been considered "unadorable." But I thank you Lord in that what people consider as unadorable is not unadorable in your eyesight.
As I held this child in my arms, I thought about inward and outward beauty. I also thought about how it does not matter to you how spiritually unadorable we are, your arms are always open to forgiveness. Not holding against us our spiritual handicaps, but through mercy and grace, you are always there to wipe the tears from our eyes. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?
As I held this child, who has suffered much scorn because of the lack of physical beauty, in my arms, I began to understand what you consider to be "unadorable." For the seven things that are "unadorable" to you are not "unadorable" to the ways of this world. They are:
1) a proud look
2) a lying tongue
3) hands that shed innocent blood
4) a heart that devises wicked plans
5) feet that are swift in running to evil
6) a false witness who speaks lies
7) one who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)
As I continued to hold this child, you filled my heart full of outgoing love, care and concern. I saw then that beauty is not how one may look on the outside, but the very love of God from within. Therefore, this "unadorable" child has done no wrong towards its accusers. Through you, we can learn to be caring, to be concerned, to be compassionate, and to love an "unadorable" child; because you first loved us [the "unadorable" children of this world (John 3:16)].
As I continued to hold this child in my arms, I began to wonder how you promised to always hold, comfort, and ease our hurts and pains. I began to wonder how, regardless of our spiritual ugliness, you always have compassion in your eyes for us. I began to wonder how you promised to never forsake or leave us for any reason. You are always there for us! So why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?
As I held this child in my arms, I prayed that you would continue to instill within my heart, your compassion, your love, your mercy, and your grace so I could love an "unadorable" child as you love me. I prayed that you would give this child the encouragement and strength it needs in order to survive in a world full of spiritual ugliness.
As I continued to think on your mercy and grace, I began to see the beauty within this child. For that beauty was only the desire and need to be held, loved, and cared for. That child began to look on me with compassion from its little eyes. That child knew that someone cared. And through caring, the child's face glowed with hope. Just like through you Lord, we have hope because we know you care. So, why can't we, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as you love us?
When I gave the child back to its mother, the child's last expression "or choice of words" was a smile. Because the child knew someone cared. As a loving parent Lord, you promised to be with us until the end of our days. You promised to give us a home in your everlasting kingdom. Where pain, suffering, and tears will never be heard of! A home where all children will be adorable! So let's, as humans, love these "unadorable" children as Christ loves us so that our last "choice of words" will be a smile.
Monday, July 17, 2017
In the Name of Jesus, Back off Satan!
Sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong. Your husband or wife has lost his or her job. The children are rebellious. The creditors are calling constantly for past due bills. You’re thinking to yourself, “I know I’m a child of God. I believe and trust Him for everything. He’s #1 in my life. So why are these things happening to me?” These thoughts form in our minds when the arrow of circumstances is pointing to, “Help!” God said in His word that the Holy Spirit will remind you of all things. Of course, things that are worth being reminded of (John 14:26). As I was thinking on the subject of “Help!”, the LORD brought to my attention a certain scene from a movie I once saw. The movie is entitled, “Honey I Blew Up the Kid!” The particular scene that I was prompted to remember was when the 100 ft., two-year-old child was playing with a giant guitar and the enemy was trying to capture him. The child did not know he was 100 ft. tall and dangerous to the enemy. His mind was that of an ignorant child, because he was unaware of the potential of being 100 ft. tall.
But the child’s father’s supervisor (or the destroyer) knew the child’s potential and tried to cripple the child in order to capture him for his own purposes. The child’s mother never once took her eyes off of her child. During the child’s severe ordeal, the mother and father had already devised a way of escape unknown to the enemy. So just as the enemy was about to finally attack the child for the kill, the mother looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Back off!” You see, she was blown up 150 ft. tall and the enemy was a tiny bug compared to her strength. When she said those words, the enemy went away with tremendous fright! He was no match for her! Her compassion gave the enemy a message of, “Now, back off! Enough is enough!” The LORD reminded me of this scene because He is like that mother. When we think God is not concerned about how the enemy (Satan) is attacking us, we must remember He has already made a way of escape. When we feel like we don’t have the strength to overcome the trials and tribulations any longer, Jesus looks the devil (the destroyer) straight in his eyes and say, “Back off! Enough is enough!” And He will take us in His arms and comfort us through the reading and hearing of His word. His love is infinite for us, because He never takes His eyes off of His children. He will never leave or forsake His children.
Through faith in the precious blood of Jesus, we (God’s children) have the victory! We must remember that in Calvary Jesus defeated the enemy. We must also remember not to believe in Satan’s lie of deception in pretending he is stronger than Jesus. Satan may be the god of this world, but he is not the god of the children of light. Therefore, the children of light (through Jesus) have preeminence (outstanding favor) over the devil and his kingdom of darkness! Hallelujah! Glory to God! So, in trials and tribulations, rejoice and give Jesus the praise for the wonderful works He has done. Because the battle is not ours, it’s the LORD. Jesus has given his children the pleasure of rejoicing in the victory!
The Father gave His son as a means of escape for all mankind against the enemy (the devil). Through faith in Jesus, Satan’s rubber darts are no match for the shield of faith, which is able to quench al the fiery darts of the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-18). We must never forget and constantly remember our potential in Jesus Christ. Satan knows that potential and he’s trying desperately to spiritually cripple God’s children by deceiving them in not recognizing the rights and potential given in the Name of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. In Mark 16:15-18, let’s look at some of our rights by faith in the Name of Jesus.
These are not my words, but the final words of Jesus. In order to walk in victory, we must adhere to the words of Jesus. So, no matter how big or small our problems may be, Jesus has given the final message to the devil at Calvary, “It is finished.” In other words, “Back off!” We must believe in Him and act on God’s word. Then and only then we have the power and authority from Jesus to say with all boldness of speech, “In the name of Jesus, back off Satan” (Luke 10:19-20)!
Note of Encouragement: If Satan is attacking you and you want to be free from demonic depression, repression, oppression and/or possession, then in faith, read these prayers out loud. And in the Name of Jesus, tell Satan to “Back Off!”
Prayer of Repentance
Almighty God, forgive me of my sins and rejecting Jesus as LORD and Savior of my life. I no longer serve the god of this world. By faith, I accept Jesus (who now sits on the right side of the Father in heaven) as the LORD and Savior of my life. Amen.
Prayer of Deliverance
In the Name of Jesus, I command every unclean spirit to come out of God’s temple. For it is written, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For I am the temple of the living God, as God hath said, I will dwell in you, and walk in you; and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my son or daughter, saith the LORD Almighty. Therefore, In the Name of Jesus, come out!
Prayer To Become A Powerful Witness of Jesus Christ
LORD Jesus, I ask you to baptize me with your Holy Spirit. Come into my heart and live. I realize without Him (the Holy Spirit), my heart is empty and powerless. For you said in your word, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Through faith, I accept Him to come into my heart because I yearn to be a witness of your glorious soon-coming kingdom. I need power to endure the trials and temptations the enemy (Satan and his cohorts) have ensnared before me. Thank you, Father, for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit within and upon me. For He is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory. Thank you, LORD Jesus, in that by faith, I receive the Holy Spirit in my heart. Amen.
• Acts 1:8; 2:38; 3:19
• John 14:15-17
• II Corinthians 6:14-18
• Ephesians 1:12-14
Tune in and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Holy Ghost FIRE Talk LIVE Broadcast EVERY Monday and Friday at 12 noon (EST). To listen, visit Shalom †
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
When the Student is Testing, The Teacher is Quiet
I can recall taking many tests in school and on every occasion, the teacher remains quiet. LIKEWISE, dear hearts, when we go through trials (or tests), we may not feel God’s presence because He remains quiet. Tune in and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Holy Ghost FIRE Talk LIVE Broadcast EVERY Monday and Friday at 12 noon (EST). To listen, visit Shalom †
Monday, July 10, 2017
The Compassion of Christ
Compassion means concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Tune in and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! Holy Ghost FIRE Talk LIVE Broadcast EVERY Monday and Friday at 12 noon (EST). To listen, visit Shalom †
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Unhealthy Relationships
Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
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