Sunday, November 22, 2015

What’s TRULY a Person’s Agenda?

There was a man (of God) who said to me, “The LORD told me to attend your meeting.” I told him he’s welcome, but knowing the intent of his heart, I said, “You can come; but keep in mind, not many people attends. I will leave that decision to you whether or not you come.”  In a later conversation with my husband, he asked my husband for the number of people usually attending the meeting, my husband told him.  We never heard from him about coming again.  When you think about a situation like this, you wonder, what is TRULY a person’s motive for wanting to connect to and with another ministry?  Could it be to make their own ministry known?  Keep in mind that he said, the LORD told him to come.  The LORD already knew how many people attends our meetings.  So if the LORD told him to come, then it did not matter how many people attends.  PRAISE GOD for the discerning (or seeing) the intent of one’s heart.  Selah †

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