The work of God through His servants is NOT a competition. Christ Jesus has anointed us with special gift(s) and we are to work together in accomplishing His mission and vision for the Church. It has been my experience that some apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers complete in showing who’s the greatest. You know, the disciples that followed Jesus had that same problem; and TRUTHFULLY the reason they had that problem was because they were not converted and FULL of the Holy Ghost and FIRE at that time. This is the same reason there is competition among the five-fold ministry of the Church. Most ministers are TRULY either not converted and/or FULL of the Holy Ghost and FIRE; and because they are not, jealousy overtake them, and they go in competition mode. We need to realize it is no longer a one-man or one-woman show, it’s the showdown of the Holy Ghost!!! Therefore, ministerial leaders, just because the Holy Ghost didn’t choose you to save, heal or deliver a person; don’t forfeit what He does by adding your 2¢ worth to show the people God uses you, too. This is sin and sin have no place in the Kingdom of God! Selah †

Faith in God COMES as we hear or listen to the teachings of God's Word. Join Evangelist King as she teaches the Word of the Living God.
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk LIVE Broadcast on Mondays/Fridays at 12 noon (EST). To join the Host, call Guest Call-In # 319-527-6194 or via the web. Come and listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you!
Shalom †
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