Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beware of "Child Play" In Your Marriage

You're probably wondering what is child play? I'll give you an example. When I was a little girl and a little boy had a crush on me, he would do little things to show me that he have a crush on me, (e.g., hit me and run). Or if I had a crush on a boy, I would pick a flower and pluck a leaf off one by one while saying "He loves or he loves me not". This is child play. As adults, if we are not careful, we will carry the same play into our marriage.
A few examples are:
  • continuous jokes to the opposite sex
  • buying lunch for the opposite sex when they are able to busy their own lunch
  • talking about sexual relationships to the opposite sex
Many marriages have dissolved due to child play. What happens when you continue to do "child play" with the opposite sex, you are beginning to form an "attraction" in the spirit realm with that person. Infidelity or adultery do not start overnight. It is first started in the spirit and it is started with child play. In the natural realm, child play appears to be harmless. This is where Satan uses his subtlety to allure husbands and wives into his trap. We need to learn and realize that nothing takes place in the natural realm without first taking place in the spiritual realm. Child play leads to lust and lust leads to spiritual adultery; and if not stopped, it will lead to physical adultery.
To avoid child play in a marriage, one must always give glory to God in their conversations. If the conversation is not giving glory to God, then the conversation should be cut short with a yes or no. According to the scriptures, anything other than this will attract evil.
Matthew 5:37
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:
whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

f you have formed a spiritual attraction with the opposite sex who is NOT your spouse, you need to repent. Then you need to let others, especially the one that has an attraction to you, see you hug and caress your spouse. By doing this, it will uproot and break the attraction in the spirit realm.

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