Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jesus Deliver Children, too! A Five Year-Old Deliverance from a Defiant Spirit

A mother wrote, “Good morning, Evangelist King. I do have Zoom downloaded on my phone now. I live in Louisiana, so our time zone is different. Can you please schedule me and my 5-year-old daughter for a deliverance session? My daughter is being very defiant in school to the point I’m getting calls every day. She doesn’t act like the way her teachers describe at home. It’s so much going on until I need us both to be prayed over. I need help.”  PRAISE THE LIVING GOD!!! Watch/listen as the LORD God set mother and daughter free in Christ Jesus’ mighty name. Shalom †

In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jesus Deliver Children, too! A Five Year-Old Deliverance from Evil Dreams

Carla was delivered from spirit husband and children two weeks ago through our program. She also wanted her children (and husband) delivered. She told them about her deliverance video, and they watched it except for her 19-year-old who refused.  After her husband watched it, she wrote, “I shared the deliverance video with my husband and my daughter.  My husband had a very strange experience after watching the video.  He started to vomit about 20 minutes after, on and off for the next few hours.  Then he was asleep for most of the day.  When he got up, he felt better.  I asked him if he wants deliverance and he did not give me an answer yet.  I feel he is on the fence.  My daughter had a demonic dream after watching a small part of the video. Some good things have happened too.  I feel closer to my husband and am more in love with him.  Before I was glad when he left for work.  Now I can't wait for him to come home.  When we are intimate now, I do not feel guilty or dirty afterward like I used to. I am truly enjoying my marriage for the first time and we have been married for almost 12 years.  I also don't look on men like I used to.  I desire my husband, Jesus, and no one else.  I feel so free.  Thank you so much Evangelist King! I am ready to do the house cleaning and my 14-year-old daughter wants deliverance too she is just skeptical about being on camera.  I also would like you to pray for my 5-year-old too.” Watch/Listen as the LORD God delivers her 5-year-old through the yawn. Shalom †

In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Out of the Mouth of Babes! Meagan (from Texas) Deliverance from Witchcraft

Meagan was delivered through our program once before. The Holy Spirit gave her specific instructions as to what she needed to do regarding an unhealthy relationship. Meagan confessed that she willfully disobeyed. When she did, she began to do horrible things. Watch/Listen to hear her story.

In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †

Friday, January 4, 2019

Joy [California] Questions on Living with Idols in the House

Joy wrote, “Thank you so much for praying for me the other day. I felt an overwhelming peace and indescribable joy that day. I'm still believing that I am free for a spirit husband and python. I have something of concern to ask you and need your wisdom and discernment regarding a few attacks I've been experiencing. Each night before I go to bed, I listen to scripture, pray and/or play worship music. The first one started two nights after the deliverance. In the middle of the night, I dreamt that a spirit entered my dream in disguise as my friend's godly husband (that I never see or talk to, nor do I ever think about), and he started seducing me by kissing my ear. I felt stunned and didn't know what to do. I remember he was trying to lead me into a private room, but nothing came of it because the dream diverted into something else. Then last night, I had a demonic attack where I saw a demon dressed as a character from one of Hollywood's horror movies. I don't remember the name of because I haven't watched horror films in 15 years. It's the character with the black cloak and a white mask. In the dream, I felt a dark presence, and suddenly saw this demon in the stairwell of my house by the window. I woke up, prayed and played audio Bible of Psalms 91 and other Psalms chapters. Then I started dreaming that there was an uncircumcised male genital part and I swatted it away. Suddenly, I woke up and found myself paralyzed and felt a rodent crawling by my feet in my bed and my left foot began to shake and tickle. And then a piece of log was trying to go up my private part, but it didn't go in as if there was a wall protecting it from entering. I finally said, "Jesus." and it stopped. I also think there are demons in the house because my cousins said they've been experiencing weird noises. It's a brand-new house with us being the first ones to occupy it. Also, the owner of the house we're renting from is Hindu. I once experienced a loud knocking at my door at 3 am, which woke me up and no one was there. My other cousin went into a state of deep meditation and prayer of the Buddhism one night, to which when he woke up later in the night to use the bathroom, three dead beings were standing in front of his bathroom. My other cousin heard someone trying to open her bedroom door in the middle of the night (her door was locked) and nobody was there. And another woman who lives with us dreamt twice that an Indian woman came into her bedroom and gave her lottery numbers, which she used to purchase lottery from Thailand, and won a good amount both times. So, with that being said, I prayed and cleansed the house, plead the blood of Jesus and anointed with oil on every door and windows in the house. I was wondering if you have any feedback or suggestions upon this because it's making me concerned if it's the enemy trying to steal, kill, and destroy us. And if so, how can I come against it effectively when my cousins all worship false Gods. Thank you so much for your time and I hope to hear from you. Thank you!!” Shalom †

In need of prayer and deliverance? Come and join your faith with Evangelist King, A Female Exorcist, for your TOTAL deliverance in Christ Jesus' mighty name. Come expecting! To join the upcoming deliverance prayer session; for details, visit here. ALL CALLS AND SESSIONS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shalom †