Tuesday, August 14, 2012

As I observed Pastor Parsley laying hands on people before me, they would fall backward; but I said to myself, “Oh, I can take it! I will not fall!”

In 1995, the LORD God spoke to me about His anointed servant laying hands on me.  I immediately said to the LORD, “I do not know anyone who is anointed.”  He then told me that He wanted me to attend a crusade where Pastor Rod Parsley would be coming to a town that was 50 miles away.  I immediately said, “But LORD, do you know how many people would be there?”  Then the LORD was quiet.  So I said, “Yes, LORD.  If it is your will, let it be done.”

When the time came, my family and I went to Raleigh, North Carolina as the LORD commanded.  When the Service started, the worship was awesome and we were singing, dancing and praising the LORD.  Suddenly Pastor Parsley said, “I’m about to do something that I usually don’t do until after the message.  All who want to be anointed come up.”  I looked at the crowd and said to myself, “I’m not going up.  Look at all those people.”  Then suddenly as I was dancing and thinking, it was as though two angels came and stood on each of my side and they gently lifted me up by my elbows.  Now, to me it was as though I was floating up toward the front because I looked at my feet and said, “Feet, why are you moving?”  But I could not stop.  When I arrived up front, I immediately said, “See and look at those people.”  Then suddenly, a man appeared in front of me and waved his hand and the people divided. Then those two angels gently lifted me up by my elbows and I found myself in front of the stage.  As I observed Pastor Parsley laying hands on people before me, they would fall backward; but I said to myself, “Oh, I can take it!  I will not fall!”  Then as soon as Pastor Parsley came in front of me, I said those words again to myself and before he could even touch my forehead, I fell backward.

Dear Hearts, what I experienced while under the power of the Almighty God was an experience I had NEVER had before.  I knew that I was in the presence of God the Father.  And He was cradling me as though I was a little baby; and the peace that radiated from Him was so awesome.  I literally was saying to Him, “Oh, the peace. It feels so good.”  I did not want to leave, but then I heard the LORD God say, “Get up.  Others have their turn.”  So I then said, “Okay, LORD since you said so, but I do not want to.” It was then I slightly opened my eyes and saw that both my hands were sticking straight up in the air all the while I was on the floor.  I then staggered to my feet in a drunken state.

Now, there was a reason the LORD God wanted me to be anointed by His servant in the laying on of hands, but I will not go into details about it right now.  I learned from that first experience to not be turned off with the REAL thing when most of the time we see the counterfeit.  Selah †

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