Thursday, September 13, 2012

The LORD God said, “My servant Moses is dead.”

Even though the LORD God spoke those words to Joshua; at the same time, He spoke those words to the people who followed Moses.  The LORD had risen up another to follow in the SAME footsteps as Moses and that was His servant Joshua.

I say that to say this:

Satan is VERY subtle in his ways.  I received a call from a young woman whom the LORD had sent to me for deliverance and guidance in her walk with the LORD.  At the same time, the LORD had sent another woman and she was delivered from the false religion of Hinduism.  I felt lead of the LORD to introduce the two because each had strengths the other did not have and it would be a blessing for them to communicate; and it was a blessing.  The devil will not continue to sit back and watch God’s children enjoy one another.  He must somehow bring division between God’s children so that there will be no unity; for he knows that the Holy Spirit will not dwell where there is division.

I received a call from the young woman saying that she was confused due to the words that came forth from the woman who once was part of a false religion. The woman who was delivered from a false religion said that the LORD told her to go to YouTube and listen ONLY to a certain man of God.  Some of you would say, what’s wrong with that.  Well, as the LORD God told Joshua and the people, “My servant Moses is dead”.  This man of God whom this woman said the LORD commanded her to ONLY watch and listen to his video messages on YouTube is also dead.

Now think about it.  How can someone disciple you when they are dead—no longer on this earth? The LORD God will ALWAYS raise up new servants that will continue in the SAME footsteps of His dead servants.  This woman knew that the LORD God had specifically sent her to me to learn to become His disciple (as she had said many times), but she allowed the Evil One to cause her to stop watching and hearing God’s voice through our YouTube video messages (as she were faithfully doing and was blessed).
Now due to her disobedience, she has started following another false religion that is well-known in the USA.

Can you see the subtlety of Satan?  If he cannot get us one way, he will sure come another way. We MUST strive to keep our eyes and hears in the Word of God and whomever the LORD God send us to so that we can learn to become His disciple, then we MUST focus on Him through that person in Jesus’ name. Selah †

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