Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Flame of FIRE

The Word of God says, "His ministers a flame of fire." Just as the presence of evil spirits can be in and on a person, place or thing; don’t forget, the LORD God is the ONLY Originator and His Presence can be in and on a person even when the person has been photographed. A few days ago, I received a message from a young woman who had been delivered from MANY evil spirits due to an unhealthy relationship with a man who claimed to be a minister of God, when in TRUTH, he was a witch doctor. She was experiencing severe pain in her body as though she had been in a fight and she couldn’t sleep. As I read her message, I felt the emergency and I called. Dear hearts, devils know who belongs to God. Today, she sent another message. Read below:

Just wanted to let you know that I slept soooooooooo good that night. Since that day that you prayed and your pic went on my wall. I have no more problems like what I shared with you. God's power is amazing! It is amazing how evil spirits respect a PICTURE! Blessings to you and your family. I missed prayer this morning but will be online next week.

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