Friday, November 13, 2015


Be careful. Devils are tricky. When you minister deliverance to a woman who is wearing false hair, do not lay your hand upon her head because the false hair is a hindrance to her deliverance. Instead, touch her forehead. The demons will then react because of the anointing of God touching the woman. I ministered deliverance to a young woman wearing false hair. When I went to lay my hand upon her head, the LORD stopped me. I then looked at her and said, This hair MUST go! When I said that, the demon (and the woman) reacted and began very angry with me. When I mentioned the false hair, I saw when the demon smirked. It was exposed and did not like it. This experience raised a concern. How many women wearing false hair have been prayed for deliverance and did not receive because the demon spirit attached to false hair is hiding deep in them? Selah.

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