Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Deliverance Prayer Request

I receive MANY requests from God’s dear children asking for help to be delivered from demon spirits who are wrecking their life in Christ Jesus; but I have come to see, out of those MANY, it’s only a FEW who are serious about the LORD God delivering them. The MANY comes to Him halfheartedly! When a person comes to the LORD God WHOLEHEARTEDLY, they are humbled and willing to follow instructions. As they follow instructions precisely, the LORD God delivers them. The instructions the LORD God has given me when one request a deliverance prayer session is for the person to go to the website at and follow the instructions under Deliverance Prayer Request. It’s simple as that. When the person does not do as the instructions says, then I know, by the Holy Spirit, they are not seeking God wholeheartedly. Dear hearts, follow through on the instructions. Selah.

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